8 healthy measures can prevent aging by 6 years, health experts

A good and healthy life can be lived by adopting 8 simple habits.

Health experts say that by following eight simple hygiene-based procedures and lifestyle measures, biological aging can be slowed or stopped by up to 6 years.

In this regard, American researchers analyzed the health of 6500 American citizens whose average age was 47 years. From this analysis, the scientists found that the 41-year-olds, who had good heart health, were biologically 36 years old.

Scientists suggested that by adopting only 8 simple habits and methods, adults can not only live a good and healthy life, but their aging speed can be reduced by 6 years, that is, they have an increased age. Effects may last up to 6 years.

Researchers believe that the aforementioned benefits can be achieved if the American Heart Association’s 8 lifestyle steps are followed.

These measures include a healthy diet, moderate exercise, abstinence from smoking, full and complete sleep, reduction in body weight to the extent that a person is thin, cholesterol (fat) in the blood, and blood pressure and sugar levels. Also be in accordance with the rules of health.

According to the researchers, by promoting these measures, heart health can be maintained which in turn slows down the rate of biological aging.

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8 healthy measures can prevent aging by 6 years, health experts

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