By the grace of nature, the young man's sight returned during the prayer

The charms of nature are appearing in the world day by day, seeing which a person is amazed, like the vision of a young man returned during the last days of prayer.

According to foreign media, this incident, which surprised the world, happened on the second day of Eid al-Adha in Tiarat region of Algeria, where the prayer suddenly returned during the vision of the young man.

According to the report, on the second day of Eid-ul-Azha, Algerian citizen Ahmed Qadari was performing Maghrib prayer in congregation in the mosque of the area.

Ahmed Qadawi, who lost his sight two years ago, along with his friend, came to perform Maghrib prayer in congregation in the local mosque. When the young man came to the mosque, he was holding his friend’s hand, but when he went back, he saw the phenomena of nature with his own eyes and went without any support.

Speaking to the local media, Ahmad Qadawi said that on reaching the mosque, he was sitting there waiting for the congregation and reciting the tasbih. I suddenly started to see and saw the carpet of the mosque.

According to the young man, at first he did not even believe that I could see. When the prayer was over, I held my friend’s hand and told him that my sight has returned and now I can see everything.

By the grace of nature, the young man's sight returned during the prayer

He said that it is a special favor of Allah Ta’ala to hear my prayers and I cannot thank the Lord for that.

Ahmed said that the news of his sudden return of sight caused a pleasant surprise to the other worshipers of the mosque and all the worshipers, including the imam of the mosque, congratulated the young man while praising Allah.


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By the grace of nature, the young man's sight returned during the prayer

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