Angry young man sent a gift bomb on his girlfriend's marriage to someone else, the bride was killed

The police arrested the youth who sent the bomb: Photo: Social Media

New Delhi: The young man, angry at the marriage of his girlfriend to another person, sent a bomb as a gift, which exploded and killed the groom.

According to Indian media, the young man sent a home theater gift to his ex-girlfriend’s wedding in Kabir Dham district of Chhattisgarh state. As soon as the bridegroom plugged in the home theater, it exploded as a result of which the bridegroom was killed on the spot while the bridegroom’s brother and one-and-a-half-year-old child were seriously injured.

According to police officials, the bride’s brother succumbed to his injuries at the hospital. On checking the list of wedding gifts, the bride’s ex-boyfriend was revealed.

The police arrested the youth who planted the bomb, who admitted that he took the step to take revenge on the girl.

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Angry young man sent a gift bomb on his girlfriend's marriage to someone else, the bride was killed

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