Vegetables are the best source of nutrition and disease protection

Vegetables are among the special blessings of Allah. All kinds of seasonal vegetables are available in Pakistan. Vegetables contain all nutrients, vitamins, minerals and especially fiber. Eating vegetables keeps a person healthy and energetic.

Their use is especially recommended during illness. The usefulness of fresh and green leafy vegetables for good health is undeniable. If there is salad in the food, the taste of the food becomes double.

Eating vegetables raw and cooked has numerous benefits. Vegetables contain all the nutrients and vitamins. Consume more fresh vegetables to stay healthy and fresh. Below is the essential information about the properties, benefits and efficacy of some famous vegetables during various diseases.


It is high in iron and salts. Spinach strengthens the liver. It purifies the blood. Beneficial in stroke and relieves hardening of blood vessels. Lowers blood pressure. By eating clay, coal, the color of children turns yellow and the stomach becomes bloated. Feed such children spinach, fenugreek, and turnip in abundance. Add salt to the soup of the leaves in the yolk. Grinding spinach and applying it to the roots of the hair after an hour of washing the head stops the hair fall while it is useful for the gums.


Radish contains vitamins A, B, C, E. Use radish regularly to prevent hair fall. Apply radish juice on the scalp. This weakness is also useful for stomach, hemorrhoids, stones. Food is digested immediately. Heat the juice of the leaves in the jaundice and add jaggery or sugar and drink it repeatedly, make bhaji of radish and feed it. If the spleen is enlarged, eating radish and vinegar is very useful.

In old colds, mix radish water and lemon juice and use garlic with radish for sore throat. To get rid of alcohol, heroin and other addictive drugs, grind green radish leaves in water and add two spoons of honey and drink one cup in the morning and one cup at bedtime for one month. Inshallah, there will be relief from narcotic drugs.

In sore throat and diphtheria, drink radish water mixed with lemon juice, grind radish seeds and eat them with warm water to clear the voice. In chronic cough, add 25 grams of salt radish, mix two spoons of honey and eat it. For hemorrhoids, eat two radishes with sugar daily, or radish leaves with sugar and eat them daily. For 40 days or at night, cut radish and add salt and keep it in dew and eat it in the morning. Stomach worms are warded off by eating radish or its leaves. To relieve menstrual pain, boil 25 grams of radish seeds in four spoons of honey and drink three to four times a day. God willing, the pain will go away.

The carrot

Carrots are a treasure trove of vitamin A. Eat it raw or cook it for sharper vision. Liver functions will be normal. Drink a glass of juice daily. Eyes will be sharp and face will be fresh. Carrot jam strengthens the heart and lowers blood pressure. To strengthen the brain, eat almonds in the morning and drink carrot juice and milk, its seed is also a nerve tonic. Drinking carrot juice relieves migraines. Carrot juice, jam, halwa, gajreela and pickle syrup are all beneficial. If someone has sleepwalking problem, soak half full of carrots at night, extract the juice in the morning and drink one glass in the morning and one glass at bedtime.

bitter gourd

Although bitter gourd is a bit bitter, eating bitter gourd reduces the sugar content. Stomach worms die and liver functions are normalized.


Like sugarcane, sugar is also produced from beets. Patients with phlegm and cancer should eat one serving daily. Washing the head with boiling leaves removes dandruff and kills head lice. For kidney stones, boil beetroot in water until the water thickens. Drink one cup daily 3, 4 times a day. Kidney stones will crumble and be passed out.


Cucumber is a delicious vegetable, the effervescence of its bark purifies the blood. This decoction is also useful in malaria. Eating kuchar removes boils. There is an elixir for troops. Eating it cures piles. Boils and white spots are removed by drinking the decoction of kitchenar bark mixed with sandalwood.


Turnip meat is a popular dish. Turnip contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, protein, iron, vitamin C due to which eating it strengthens the nerves. Eyesight sharpens and immunity increases. Its leaves are high in calcium, hence useful for bones, teeth, muscles. It is useful to feed the juice of its leaves to children.


Potato can rightly be called the king of vegetables. No food dish is complete without it. Potato is a treasure of minerals and starch. Apart from calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron, sodium, magnesium, sulphur, chlorine, iodine, copper etc. are also found in it. If you apply potato juice on the burn, the burn will go away.

For kidney pain and stones, add olive oil to potato chaat and eat it. In joint pains and other pains, eat one piece of roasted potato, one piece of tomato, a little ginger, one lemon and one spoon of vinegar mixed with salt and pepper and you will get relief soon. If we eat potatoes, beets, carrots or bitter gourds, cooked with or without meat, stomach irritation, stomach ache and headache will go away. Feeding children steamed or oven-roasted potatoes with butter, cream increases their growth and increases their weight.


It is rich in starch, oily ingredients, vitamins A, B. Apply the water of arvi leaves on the spot of bleeding or soak a cloth and the bleeding will stop. If there are blisters in the mouth, apply a paste of the bark of Arvi mixed with honey. For falling hair, mix well one teaspoon of Arvi in ​​one cup of water and add curd and apply on the head and wash the head after four hours. If lactating mothers eat arvi, their milk will increase.


It is useful to make raita and eat it. Burn eggplant and make ash, mix it with honey and apply it on piles, it will be cured, it contains protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron. In the month of Ramadan, eggplant fritters are very tasty at the time of breaking the fast.


Research has proven that there are some components in cabbage that are helpful in removing cancer. Its food is also useful in diabetes. Extracting its juice and drinking one glass every day in stomach ulcers cures the ulcer. Cancer patients should consume cabbage daily.


Red plump tomatoes look very pleasing. Vitamins A, B, C are abundant in tomatoes. Also contains mineral salts and protein and starch. Eating tomatoes increases immunity. For prostate cancer, eat 1½ to 2 kg of tomatoes once a week. By drinking tomato juice, obesity and jaundice go away. Drinking its juice improves the health of the baby and increases the milk supply of lactating mothers.


They cure anemia, strengthen muscles and nerves. Peas also contain protein, starch, vitamins, sulfur and phosphorus.


Its characteristic is cold. It should be eaten especially in hot weather. To relieve urinary irritation, boil 100 grams of okra in 2 glasses of water and add sugar. Taking it two or three times will help. Its use is useful in bloody dysentery. It contains protein, fat, starch and minerals. Relieves intestinal irritation.

Ghia Tori

It removes heat. Useful in fever. Patients with phlegm and flatulence should add black cumin and eat it, it is a mixture of vitamin C and glucose. Removes anemia. It is constipating, diuretic, in fever, tori broth cures the taste of the mouth.


It contains starch, protein, iron and vitamins. Its tender pods are chopped and cooked into meat. Women/girls who do not have periods should use it regularly. Grind its seeds and apply some honey and besan on the face. The color will come out. Drink its broth frequently in kidney pain. Eating legumes strengthens the gums.

Fenugreek greens

The formula of fenugreek is closest to milk, so milk deficiency can be compensated with it. Its effect is similar to that of fish oil. Useful for cough, cold, chest diseases and rheumatism, epilepsy and paralysis. Eating fenugreek seeds is also beneficial in sugar. Grind the seeds and make an ointment in water and apply it on the head, the hair will stop falling. Feed fenugreek seeds in enlarged spleen and weak nerves. In case of allergies, soak one spoon at night and drink water in the morning. Boil 20 grams of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and drink in case of cold. Makes hair black.

Lactating mothers take 25 grams of mithira and 25 grams of white cumin mixed with sugar. There will be more milk, if there is a lot of milk, grind fenugreek leaves and apply it on the chest. The milk will dry up. Tie the blisters into pleats. Mix the fenugreek leaves with this sifted flour and make roti and eat it. Sugar will be controlled.


Eating round, soft and tender pieces of meat makes the health feel good. If your hands and feet are burning, cut a piece in the middle and massage it for five minutes before going to bed. Inshallah, the irritation will go away. High blood pressure is controlled by eating tanda.

Halwa pumpkin

Pumpkin is a favorite vegetable of the Holy Prophet. Apart from vitamins A, B, C, it also contains iron, protein, phosphorus, calcium, etc. Applying its pulp as a poultice on boils, abscesses and diabetic ulcers and old wounds heals the boils. To get rid of stomach bugs in children, coat Halwa pumpkin seeds along with the peel and mix them with honey and give them in the morning. Doing this a few times will expel the stomach bugs. Eating pumpkin relieves stomach pain, gas, heartburn and acidity. Feeling hungry. If there is irritation in the hands and feet, massage with pumpkin in the morning and evening. Inshallah it will be beneficial.

Mustard greens

Mustard greens, corn bread and a dollop of butter on top makes the mouth water. Saag is rich in natural ingredients. Fat is its major component, besides it contains protein, iron, calcium, vitamins A, B and C. Eating it gives strength to the body. It is diuretic. Eating increases the height and weight of young children. Clean blood is produced. Strengthens stomach, liver and intestines. Kills stomach bugs. Dissolves swelling and edema. It is useful in rash diseases. Increases appetite. Its nutritional value is equal to that of meat.

Chickpeas, green gram

By mixing wheat and chickpea flour and baking bread, the spots, freckles and shadows on the body are removed. After eating 50 grams of chickpeas in breakfast, drink lemongrass coffee, then the stomach will be strong, the wind will disappear and the constipation will be removed. By roasting green chickpeas on the fire and eating them, the gums become strong, the body is in shape, and the face becomes beautiful. Soak eleven to forty one grains of black gram in a glass of milk overnight. Mix honey in it and eat it in the morning. The body will be strengthened and the functions of the stomach and liver will be correct.


It is eaten raw like cucumber. Removes stomach heat. Makes you hungry. It is diuretic. Removes stones.


It strengthens the heart and mind. If you have a headache, grind it in water and apply it on your forehead. Food is digested by eating with food. Stomach irritation is relieved. If you do not get sleep, mix coriander water with two spoons of honey and drink it. Drink coriander water to control heart rate. For high fever, take green coriander water and cucumber (tur) water and mix it with a little vinegar and drink it.

In case of diarrhea and vomiting, mix coriander in curd and drink. Beating 200 grams of curd and drinking it with a spoonful of ground coriander leaves all the heat in the body and relieves the sufferings of sun stroke. Its continuous use is useful for hemorrhoids. If the mouth is inflamed, suck coriander, the use of coriander and curd is also beneficial in colic pain.


Cucumber is an integral part of every meal. Eating cucumber before meals increases appetite. In the pain of kidney stones, extract the juice of cucumber and drink it.

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