Controlling negative thoughts can be beneficial for mental health, experts say

London: Optimal mental health requires facing your fears to reduce anxiety and depression caused by negative thoughts.

A recent scientific study proves the above claim to be correct. For some study participants, mental health actually improved when they received specific training on how to deal with their fears or concerns about negative future events, the researchers report.

Furthermore, those with poor mental health symptoms at the beginning of the study experienced more improvement by the end when they learned to gain full control over their negative thoughts.

Michael Anderson, senior scientist at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at the University of Cambridge in the UK and team leader, said: “We’ve been told that when you push worrying or negative thoughts or worries to the back of your mind, it’s you. return in the form of unconscious influences in the behavior of And can affect your dreams, emotions and motivations, even movements.

However, this contradicts evidence from the neuro and psychological sciences, all of which point to mental health being improved by reducing unpleasant or negative thoughts, he said.

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Controlling negative thoughts can be beneficial for mental health, experts say

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