Surprising health benefits of falsa and its syrup in summer

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Summers can be stressful but, if you use the sweet and sour fruit of summer, false, it becomes not only refreshing but also delicious, while the cooling effect of false syrup makes you forget the heat.

According to nutritionists, phalsa is also called a superfood, according to the Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants, phalsa cools the body by improving digestion and helps in relieving dehydration.

Medicinal and nutritional benefits of falsa contain vitamins A, B and C, in addition to starch, protein, iron, potassium, keratin, iodine and calcium, 80 calories can be obtained from one phalsa. .

False has negligible sweetness, so according to Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, diabetics can enjoy this low-sugar fruit, it strengthens the heart muscles, the purple color of this fruit is actually a This is due to the antioxidant ‘ethocyanin’ which protects the skin elasticity chemical hormone collagen which keeps the skin looking young.

Its other benefits include purifying the blood, increasing the glow of the skin, removing heat fever, eliminating impurities, correcting liver function and treating specific female diseases, especially leukorrhea.

According to experts, sweet and sour false syrup is rich in nutrients, false juice can also relieve stomach complaints and pain, this fruit containing antioxidants can also reduce the risk of cancer.

Ingredients required to make false syrup:

Falsa, four chhatnaks

Sugar (white granulated), four shards

Yogurt, four sieves

Lemon (leaf), a thorn


After washing the falsies, soak them in water for an hour.

Now add sugar, curd, lemon juice and a little salt to these flakes and blend them and strain them with a clean cloth.

Take the delicious false syrup is ready.

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Surprising health benefits of falsa and its syrup in summer

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