One third of Pakistan's population and 55 percent of children are suffering from diabetes, health experts said

Photo: Express

Lahore: Experts say that the number of diabetes patients is increasing alarmingly in Pakistan, one third of the country’s population is suffering from diabetes, Pakistan has become the capital of diabetes patients. To get rid of this deadly disease, we have to change our lifestyle, eat simple foods and exercise regularly.

These views were expressed by the caretaker provincial health minister of Punjab Prof. Javed Akram, Prof. Zaman Sheikh, Dr. Soumia Iqtar, Prof. Tariq Wasim, Prof. Aftab Mohsin, Dr. Imtiaz Hasan, Dr. Shehla Akram, Dr. Wafa Qaiser and Dr. Nabil Akbar under the supervision of Prof. M. Zaman Sheikh. Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine, Sir Syed College of Medical Sciences and Express Media Group in collaboration with the seminar held at a local hotel in Lahore.

A large number of citizens, including people interested in the field of medicine, also participated in the seminar. Dr. Wafa Qaiser hosted the event. Speaking at the seminar, Provincial Health Minister Professor Javed Akram said that four crore people are living with diabetes in Pakistan.

Sugar needs to be added to the list of diseases now. Pakistan has become the capital of diabetes patients and it is not a matter of pride for us. He said that sugar affects every organ of the body by joining the human blood, especially vision, heart, liver, kidneys are affected. A person can suffer from paralysis.

He said that 55 percent of children in Pakistan are suffering from diabetes, which is mainly due to our lifestyle. We have left simple diet and started consuming fast food, stopped walking in the name of modernism, started playing video games instead of sports like cricket, hockey, football due to which our immune system is weakened.

Professor Javed Akram said that Pakistan is a poor and indebted country, it is our own responsibility before the government to stop the rising rate of diabetes. Unfortunately, no political government in the past paid attention to the health sector. Caretaker government is doing excellent work in health sector. In Punjab, 100 hospitals are being revamped with a huge sum of 57 billion rupees, 19 sugar centers are being built.

He said that the treatment of diabetes is very expensive, an injection costs 25 thousand rupees. Diabetes is spreading rapidly, even if the entire budget of Pakistan is spent on it, it cannot be fully controlled. Four and a half lakh machines are required for dialysis. Dialysis is free at the primary level. If you keep sugar under control like a good wife, you can live a full life with sugar.

Prof. Muhammad Zaman Sheikh said that Pakistan ranks third in the world in terms of the number of diabetes patients and first in terms of the rate. In Asia, sugar is spreading more rapidly in China, India and Pakistan. About 33% of the population in Pakistan is suffering from diabetes. Diabetes is counted among the 10 dangerous diseases which if not treated, they become dangerous for human life. Complications increase if sugar is not controlled. It is a silent killer. For three or four years, the patient does not know that he has become a victim of diabetes.

He said that if anyone in a person’s family has diabetes, they should get tested immediately. Diabetes is a lifelong medical condition that kills millions of people every year and can affect anyone. This disease occurs when the body is unable to dissolve the sugar (glucose) in the blood. Its complications can lead to heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney failure, and amputations of feet and legs.

He said that apart from insulin, injections are also available for diabetic patients. Obesity and type 2 diabetes go hand in hand. Type 2 diabetes can be reversed by controlling obesity. Before 1921, type 1 diabetes was considered a cause of death. But now insulin is available for these patients as well.

Addressing the seminar, Dr. Soumia Iqtar said that Pakistan’s index in diabetes is going up in the whole world. People who are on the borderline of diabetes can save themselves from this risk and live a better life with a little precaution.

He said that every sixth person in Pakistan is suffering from pre-diabetes, but the majority do not know it. People above the age of 35 should have their sugar tested. Each person can calculate pre-diabetes risk by reviewing their gender, age, weight, blood pressure, family history. A moderate diet and at least 30 minutes of walking five days a week can prevent prediabetes.

Professor Tariq Wasim said that the rate of heart diseases is increasing due to diabetes. Diabetes and heart diseases go hand in hand. The small, large arteries connected to the heart are affected by diabetes. It is important to treat diabetes before it starts.

He said that there are many types of diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas stops making insulin, which causes sugar to accumulate in the bloodstream. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas either does not make enough insulin or the insulin it does make does not work properly. 92% of patients have type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is also likely to occur due to excess insulin.

He said that the risk of heart attack is high in people suffering from diabetes. The heart muscles become weak. Shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat.

Dr. Shehla Akram while speaking in the seminar said that this idea is not correct that diabetes patients can get rid of this disease if they give up bread and eat more meat. Diabetics should consume all foods except sugar in moderation. However, the quantity and timing of food is very important for them.

Dr Shehla Akram said that obesity is a major cause of diabetes but deliberately losing weight beyond normal is also harmful. Life management is very important for people with diabetes. Reduce the amount of food and make regular meals at regular intervals. Keep yourself away from tension, get enough sleep. Don’t spoil your diet. Diabetes can be controlled by walking seven to eight thousand steps daily.

Professor Dr. Aftab Hasan said that diabetes is one of the main reasons for the increasing rate of stroke and heart attack in Pakistan. While the main cause of diabetes is obesity. Diabetics should prevent obesity and weight gain, control blood pressure and cholesterol, use food as per diet plan. Exercise and follow-up check-ups should be mandatory. He also said that don’t let sugar take over your mind, feel healthy and young.

Dr. Muhammad Imtiaz Hasan said that diabetic patients need medicines and injections that not only control their sugar but also prevent the development of other diseases caused by sugar. Sometimes patients use drugs to prevent diabetes that control diabetes but aggravate other diseases. Use common medicines and simple diet to control diabetes. Do not use any medicine on your own without the advice of a specialist doctor and do not stop using any medicine without the advice of a doctor.

Dr. Nabil Akram expressed his views and said that blood pressure and diabetes are not something to feel but should be checked up. Diabetes affects the small arteries of the heart. Shortness of breath, feeling tired, feeling chest pain are very important symptoms.

He said that sugar management is very important for diabetic patients i.e. what food to eat at what time and in what quantity. Smoking multiplies the risk of diabetes. It is very important for people suffering from heart diseases to keep sugar under control. Patients with heart disease have higher blood sugar than normal patients.

Dr. Athar Ali said that the risk of diabetes in women is four times higher than in men, the number of diabetes patients is increasing due to the use of substandard food and fast food. Diabetes affects every organ in the body.

At the beginning of the seminar, Ajmal Sattar Malik said that Express Media Group not only informs the public about the news related to various fields in a timely manner, but organizes such seminars, talks and forums with experts to raise awareness about various diseases.

General Secretary of Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine, Dr. Soumia Iqtar thanked all the participants. Honorary shields were presented to the guests by Express Media Group. On this occasion, stalls were also set up by well-known pharmaceutical companies High-Q, Sanophi, Barrett Hodgson, Ferozsons, Martin Dow, Scotmann, Servier and Macter for public awareness.

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One third of Pakistan's population and 55 percent of children are suffering from diabetes, health experts said

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