Obesity doesn't always have to cause medical problems, experts say

Berlin: You must have often noticed that some people are fat but they are fitter than others ie ‘fit’.

Such people are considered obese based on their body mass index (BMI) score but do not have any of the medical problems or complications associated with obesity, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes or heart disease. Disease etc.

Experts say that healthy obesity depends on many factors such as region, different diets, lifestyle, ethnic and genetic differences, etc.

Matthias Bluhr of the University of Leipzig and the Helmholtz Center in Munich in Germany said there are populations in Asian populations where healthy obesity is as low as 2 percent to 5 percent. Some populations are better protected against various diseases despite having large amounts of adipose tissue (fatty body material).

Professor Bluher also noted that healthy obesity can be seen in many premenopausal women, but urged weight management programs for those who fit the profile.

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Obesity doesn't always have to cause medical problems, experts say

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