The importance of patience and faith in the long trial

The Holy Quran has selected some events from human history for the guidance of the believers. These events are mostly of the past prophets and their peoples.

This choice of events belongs to the Lord, who is all-knowing and capable of everything, therefore, wherever there is a lesson and advice in these events, there is the best way to face different situations and challenges in life. And there are instructions.

In this article, we are not going to deal with many incidents and present only one incident in the history of Bani Israel, which is very similar to the current situation of the Muslim Ummah.

At the same time, he will also quote a short address of the great prophet of God, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him), the leader of the Bani Israel, which he said on this occasion, in which there is the best guidance for us in the current situation. .

The original homeland of Hazrat Yaqoob (a.s.), the great-grandfather of Bani Israel, was a town called Canaan, which was located a few miles away from the city of Bait-ul-Maqdis in Palestine. I delivered.

Allah made it so that Hazrat Yusuf (AS) reached the house of an ordinary person in Egypt. He reached the house of Aziz Misr (Egypt’s Minister of Finance). The thread of purity, trust and honesty, knowledge and understanding has been lost.

In the same period, signs of a long famine and severe food crisis appeared in Egypt, so Hazrat Yusuf (AS) requested the king of Egypt to take the reins of food and agricultural management into his hands, and with his best planning and This crisis was managed through good management.

The thread of high morals of Hazrat Yusuf (AS) had already sat on their hearts, now through this excellent strategy, their necks bowed before the great kindness they did to the people of Egypt and they handed over the power of the country to Hazrat Yusuf (AS). Handed over to

On this occasion, Hazrat Yusuf (A.S.) called his father Majid Hazrat Yaqub (A.S.) and his entire family from Canaan and settled in Egypt. were seen, but after Hazrat, the honor of the Bani Israel gradually became different, and after a few generations, they were made second-class citizens in this country, and the service, stubbornness and ungratefulness that the people of the lower class of society did. are taken from the same people are taken from Bani Israel.

Meanwhile, certain priests prophesied to the Pharaoh of Egypt that a child would be born among the Israelites, by whom this great empire of yours would be destroyed.

It was to hear that Pharaoh issued an order that every boy born among the Israelites should be killed, so the execution began and a sudden resurrection broke out on the Israelites. He said and created the means so that Hazrat Musa (a.s.) was brought up in Pharaoh’s palace of Bani Israel and he was protected from Pharaoh’s executioners in every way.

After a period of time, Hazrat Musa (a.s.) was sent as a messenger to Pharaoh, his people and the Bani Israel. By the command of Allah, Hazrat Musa (a.s.) showed miracles to Pharaoh and placed two demands before him, one is to believe in Allah and By renouncing his claim to be Lord, and freeing the other Israelites so that Hazrat Musa (a.s.) would take them out of Egypt and settle them in their original homeland of Canaan. When was Pharaoh easily to accept these demands?

In order to defeat Musa, he made magicians compete with the blocker Hazrat Musa, the magicians showed their magic essences in a victorious manner and thought that their magic would speak loudly, but by the command of Allah, the staff of Musa turned into a dragon. When he started swallowing their magic, all the magic was dissolved, the magicians understood that Moses had a power beyond magic, and they immediately believed in the Lord of Moses and prostrated before him helplessly. .

In this competition, Haq got a historical victory and Pharaoh had to bear severe fear, he felt that if the popularity of Musa (AS) continues to grow in this way, then it will become a threat to his government. They didn’t have the courage to say anything to Moses, so the Israelites were threatened with killing the children and they were also banned from praying in the synagogues.

What was written above was actually a preface, the purpose is to present the situation of the Bani Israel that happened after this threat, the fact is that the Bani Israel were greatly frightened and worried by this threat, in this rush, some people even asked Hazrat He also said this to Moses, meaning: “Moses, all the problems are because of you.”

Even on the occasion of your birth, we went through this unbearable punishment and today we are facing the same trouble again. .

Pharaoh’s people had made them helpless and weak in every way, whatever they wanted to oppress them, they could easily do it and were doing it by force. They could stay, they could run away, and looking at the stable and strong government of Pharaoh, it did not seem that this government was going to end sooner or later.

Therefore, the concern of Bani Israel was absolutely right. In these desperate and dire situations, Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) addressed his people and said, Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) said to his people, meaning: Ask and be patient, have faith! The earth belongs to Allah, He makes whoever He wills among His servants inherit it.

And the final end is in favor of the pious. For comfort, say four things, which serve with a little explanation:

* The first thing he said is that ask Allah for help, no matter where the circumstances arise and whoever they are, Allah’s will and intention is working behind them. It does not break and fall on the ground, so when all the decisions are made by the order of the Almighty, then the matter of wisdom and wisdom is to knock on his door, to rub his forehead on his doorpost.

One should express one’s weakness, helplessness and humility to Him, and one should turn to Him again and again to attract His mercy. In many places, the Holy Qur’an has ordered to ask Allah for help in difficult situations and to pray to Him, and by quoting many incidents of the close and righteous servants of Allah, it has been said that when they called upon Allah in difficult situations, Allah answered them. How He heard their cry, and how His mercy answered their cry.

Secondly, he said that work with patience and courage, patience and courage are a big strong shield, it makes it easy to stay on your existence and your thoughts and beliefs in difficult situations. Don’t get scared or lose your senses when you see it, but control your nerves.

He should prepare his mind to face hardships, and keep the misfortunes for Allah, and patience also includes being steadfast in his thoughts and beliefs and his religion, not giving up because of fear or greed. Don’t get carried away. Whoever believes in the fact that everything in this world happens by the will and intention of his master, and whoever accepts this truth, whatever sacrifice is made for the sake of religion and for the pleasure of Allah, who Even if you have to suffer a loss, whatever price you have to pay, whatever sorrow you have to suffer, you will be rewarded by Allah, your status will be raised and your sins will be forgiven, so consider every situation as a decision of Allah. It becomes easier to take care of yourself, and to pull yourself out of every difficult hour with the security of religion and faith.

Thirdly, he said that this land belongs to Allah, He makes whomever He wants to be its owner and ruler, and whoever He wants, He expels from power, if He wants to expel someone, strong governments are made of spider webs. As soon as you see the majestic glory and grandeur of yesterday’s rebellious decrees, the objects of lesson and narrative become obsolete, this is a truth that saves a person from despair.

It fills the heart with hope and determination, and gives courage to rise up against the oppressors, and to stand firm against the will of the oppressor. Granted that Pharaoh, whose kingship is firmly established, take this from your heart that it will remain like this forever, and his authority over you will always continue, the earth belongs to Allah as long as Allah Whoever approves of Pharaoh’s stay, he will stay, and the day Allah approves something else, then this strong kingdom will collapse on that day.

On the occasion of Ghazwa Khandaq, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had predicted that the kingdoms of Rome and Iran would come under the control of my Ummah, so the hypocrites and infidels made a big joke that they should not eat, because of hunger, they tied stones on their stomachs. There are, and the sign of fear is that day and night they are digging trenches to protect themselves from the enemies, the conditions are like this and they are dreaming that they will become the masters of the kingdoms of Caesar and Kasri.

On this occasion, Allah Almighty revealed the Ayat al-Kareema, in which He revealed the fact that everything is in the power of Allah Almighty, just as He covers the light of the day in the world with the darkness of the night, and the darkness of the night. From the root of the ink, he gives rise to the dawn, in the same way he can bring changes in the government and power in the human world, when he wants to give power to someone, no one will be able to stop him, and when he wants to remove the seat of power. So, every plan of a man will be backfired.

However, this happened and after a few years, Allah Almighty made the helpless and destitute Muslims the owners of the kingdom of Caesar and Kasri, Allah Almighty said, meaning: “Say, O Allah! O master of power! You give power to whom You will, and You take away power from whom You will, and You give honor to whom You will, and You humiliate whom You will. All good is in Your hand, indeed You are Able to do all things, You alone make the night into the day and the day into the night. And it is He who recovers the animate from the inanimate, and brings out the inanimate from the animate, and gives unlimited sustenance to whomsoever He wills.

If a believer is tempted to look at the power and authority of the oppressor, he should consider and believe in the power of Allah and the Sunnah of the good, bad, and the days of rise and fall among people through him, and believe in it. There will never be despair about the oppressor and his downfall, nor will he be willing to surrender to him and express innocence from his thoughts and belief, but on the contrary, the strength of his faith and belief in his heart. A spirit of defense will arise.

* The fourth thing towards which Hazrat Musa (a.s.) drew the children of Israel is piety and piety, those who fear Allah in all situations of joy and sorrow, peace and fear, likes and dislikes, pleasure and displeasure, and Profit and loss, in every situation, they carry out the commandments of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ, good end is always their destiny.

A person sometimes sees this good end in this world, that Allah, the Exalted, grants him a life of peace and contentment by giving him freedom from the oppression of the oppressors, such as by killing the Pharaoh and the Israelites and by breaking the power of the infidels of Makkah. Faith was blessed by Allah Almighty with peace and contentment, and even if this good end does not appear in this world due to some expediency of Allah, then it is certain in the Hereafter, and for a believer, more than the success of the Hereafter and There is no success.

If considered, it will be known that the oppressed and helpless life of Muslims today is very similar to the aforementioned oppressed and helpless life of Bani Israel.

In such situations, it is necessary that we take comfort from this effective sermon of Hazrat Musa (a.s.), and the four things that Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) has directed his people to pay attention to, we should also follow it firmly, if we work with patience and courage. Take it, ask Allah for help, put your trust in Him and strengthen your relationship with Him.

Allah, who is able to turn day into night and night into day, is the same God who can create good out of the current situations and events of evil, and bring peace and order, reconciliation, brotherhood and mutuality by bringing the hard-hearted oppressors to the role of infidels. Love can create an atmosphere, in which man can live a life of peace and freely follow the commandments of his Lord.

These four things are something that anyone can easily do individually, without the need for a long program and resources to bring it to life.

May Allah bless the Ummah with peace, faith, security and the wealth of Islam. Amen

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