What are 8 Vitamin D Deficiency Foods?

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Medical experts say that lack of vitamin D invites many diseases, while vitamin D is an indispensable component for the proper functioning of body functions.

According to medical experts, vitamin D is one of the essential vitamins required by the body for the maintenance of the body’s muscles, such as muscles, bones and teeth, and for the protection of vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, lungs and liver.

Apart from this, vitamin D also plays an important role in keeping the immune system active and protecting against diseases like osteoporosis, cancer, depression, diabetes and obesity.

Experts say that the above diseases are more common in women than men, while the problem of vitamin D deficiency is more serious in women than in men.

According to medical experts, the main source of vitamin D is sunlight, but various vegetables, fruits and meat can be added to the diet to obtain it.

The following are the best sources of vitamin D recommended by nutritionists.

Cod liver oil

What are 8 Vitamin D Deficiency Foods?

Among the sources from which vitamin D can be obtained, cod liver oil is at the top.

Cod liver oil is also a great source of vitamin A and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, and you can also take it in capsules if you don’t like the taste of oil.


What are 8 Vitamin D Deficiency Foods?

Salmon is an excellent source of protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Try to buy wild salmon (not farmed).

Vitamin D is found in large amounts in fatty fish and seafood, for example, 100 grams of salmon provides 386 IU of vitamin D. The amount of vitamin D varies among types of seafood. Those found in quantity include tuna, gray fish, musk fish, prawns, sardine fish and yin kowe (sabna mora fish).

The milk

What are 8 Vitamin D Deficiency Foods?

Regular consumption of milk is very important as it not only helps to get rid of problems like stomach acidity but also improves overall health.

Also, milk is considered to be the best source of vitamin C and D. You can consume milk twice a day to get these vitamins.

Similarly, if you cannot consume milk and its products, soy milk can be a great option for you because vitamin D is found in soy milk in sufficient quantity, when the body needs vitamin D from things like soy milk. When D is obtained, it does not have difficulties in absorbing calcium, which starts to increase the strength of the bones.


What are 8 Vitamin D Deficiency Foods?

Cheese is another great source of vitamin D, which also contains calcium and vitamin K, which together keep our bones strong.

Cheese can be added to salads and vegetables and can also be baked into breads. Whenever you buy cheese, try to get it organic and raw.


What are 8 Vitamin D Deficiency Foods?

Fresh fruit juices can also be used to relieve the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, with malt and citrus fruit juices providing adequate amounts of vitamin D.


What are 8 Vitamin D Deficiency Foods?

Egg yolk is also a food that can be added to your daily routine to get vitamin D, but it is considered more beneficial to use local eggs instead of farmed to get vitamin D.

According to the opinion of medical experts, the amount of vitamin D in indigenous eggs is 3 to 4 times higher than that of farm eggs.


What are 8 Vitamin D Deficiency Foods?

Mushrooms are also considered to be a healthy food because they are rich in minerals and vitamins, they have a very pleasant taste, so you can include them in your diet.

Mushrooms, if consumed regularly, can provide adequate amounts of vitamin D and potassium.

Kidney of cow

What are 8 Vitamin D Deficiency Foods?

Some people don’t like the taste of kalji, which is why they don’t consume it, but for people suffering from vitamin D symptoms, it is very important to consume cow’s kidney because vitamin D is found in abundance in this kidney. Is.

In addition, cow kidney also contains several other components that play an important role in improving health, these components include vitamin A, protein, and iron.

According to nutritionists, cow’s kidney should not be used in large quantities as it also contains a lot of cholesterol.

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What are 8 Vitamin D Deficiency Foods?

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