Significant link discovered between better diet, mental health and mental capacity

A deep relationship has been revealed between nutrients, brain structure and mental capacity itself. Photo: File

Boston: An independent study noted a link between three key factors—nutrition, brain structure, and cognitive ability—that may play a particularly important role in older adults.

According to a report published in the journal Nutrition, Dr. Aaron Barbey and Tanveer Talukdar of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign insist that certain nutrients and two types of saturated fatty acids, some types of omega six, seven and nine fatty acids. Enlarges the brain, improves memory and mental capacity by shaping its structure.

Similarly, certain types of nutrients affect specific parts of the brain. That is, by combining these three factors, the quality of life in old age can be improved and it provides many benefits in the old age.

In this context, 111 healthy but elderly subjects were subjected to MRI scans, 52 blood biomarkers were noted, and cognitive and cognitive ability tests were performed. These included tests of memory etc.

Experts insist that seniors should never neglect brain-healthy nutrients and thus live a better life.

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Significant link discovered between better diet, mental health and mental capacity

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