5 Bad Habits That Cause Kidney Failure

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Kidneys are the most important organs of our body, whose job is to clean the harmful substances in the blood and distribute them throughout the body in a healthy way. .

According to medical experts, the main function of the kidneys is to clean the blood, balance the salts in the blood, control acidity (pH) and water content, help in blood formation, kidney calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. They also play an important role in the function and if the kidneys become weak for any reason, the function of the heart and other body organs, including the kidneys, can also be affected.

According to medical experts, kidney disorders are increasing rapidly in Pakistan, kidney failure is the sixth most common disease in Pakistan.

Following are the 6 bad habits recommended by medical experts to keep the kidneys healthy.

Drink less water

Dehydration can lead to dehydration, which increases the risk of kidney and bladder infections. Dehydration-related UTI, also known as urinary tract infection, The risks also increase.

Consumption of sweets

Consuming sugary foods not only increases weight, spoils your smile, causes obesity but also affects kidney function.

Nutritionists say that to keep the kidneys healthy, it is necessary to avoid sweet foods including sweet drinks.

Processed food (ready-made foods)

Canned foods such as soups, vegetables, and beans are often purchased for their low cost and convenience, most canned foods are high in sodium, which is extremely harmful to the kidneys.

Lack of sleep

When the kidneys are not able to perform their functions properly, as a result, toxic materials cannot be removed from the body through urine and remain in the blood. Concerns increase.

According to experts, it is important to get at least 8 hours of restful, deep sleep on time to maintain kidney health.

Spending too much time sitting

According to medical experts, exercise along with healthy diet is necessary for healthy kidneys, kidney problems also increase in people who sit for a long time.

It is recommended by medical experts to exercise at least 5 days a week for 30 to 60 minutes, if you have not exercised for a long time, start with simple exercises.

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5 Bad Habits That Cause Kidney Failure

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