Long-term sufferers of Corona may suffer from 'face blindness', research suggests

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Recent research has revealed that prolonged exposure to Covid-19 may cause some people to develop prosopagnosia, commonly known as face blindness.

People with prosopagnosia have difficulty recognizing people’s faces and their facial expressions. Such patients cannot judge whether the person in front of them is angry or worried.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, it is a neurological disease in which the patient is unable to recognize faces.

A new study published in the journal Cortex suggests that some people may have difficulty recognizing faces and navigation problems after contracting the corona virus.

The study focused on Annie, a 28-year-old woman who contracted the coronavirus in March 2020. Annie had no trouble recognizing faces before. However, 2 months after contracting the virus, he had difficulty identifying even his immediate family members.

According to the researchers, Annie says that she had trouble recognizing a man passing by in a restaurant, but when she heard his voice, she realized that the man was none other than her father.

She says she now relies on people’s voices to identify them.

He further said that after suffering from corona, now he is also facing difficulty in remembering the route. He revealed that now even when he goes grocery shopping, he doesn’t remember where the car was parked or even needs directions to the places he goes on a daily basis.

Researchers say they surveyed 54 long-term Corona sufferers, with the majority complaining of problems with visual recognition and navigation skills.

It should be noted that long-term exposure to Corona refers to a condition in which the patient could not recover even after 12 weeks after the symptoms of the virus appeared.

More rigorous testing is needed to confirm these findings, the researchers say.

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Long-term sufferers of Corona may suffer from 'face blindness', research suggests

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