Some benefits of dates that we were not familiar with

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The evergreen fruit date, which is not only used by the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) but also healthy.

This sweet fruit is rich in nutrients like fiber, potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium and vitamin B6 which has many medical benefits.

It can be used not only in Ramadan but throughout the year, we were unaware of some of the following benefits revealed by scientific research.

The brain and nervous system have energy

Dates contain moderate amounts of B vitamins including B1, B2, B3 and others, which help in achieving the daily B vitamin requirement. B vitamins work to metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the body gets energy from these nutrients. These vitamins play an important role in the healthy functioning of the nervous system, when the body experiences a deficiency of these vitamins, the body experiences loss of energy, weakness, fatigue and difficulty concentrating.

Best tonic for bones

If you have weak bones then make it your routine to consume dates, dates contain minerals like phosphorus along with calcium, magnesium and zinc, which help in improving bone health and preventing them from diseases.

Protects from heart diseases

If you suffer from heart disease, use dates, they are the best source of potassium. It is an essential mineral that is needed to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.

Potassium helps regulate the nervous system, pulse and blood pressure, experts say a diet rich in potassium lowers blood pressure levels, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke.

Get relief from constipation

Foods rich in dietary fiber like dates are an important part of a healthy diet. Experts recommend 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day to build a healthy body. Research reports have shown that increasing the intake of dietary fiber improves bowel function and reduces the risk of constipation.

Protection against eye diseases

Dates contain compounds that help prevent age-related eye diseases.

Research reports have shown that dates are a good source of zeaxanthin and lutein, which are types of carotenes found in eye tissues and packed with antioxidant properties. These compounds may protect against age-related eye muscle degeneration and cataracts.

Keep diabetes under control

Dates increase the secretion of insulin in the human body, which removes the risk of diabetes.

Compared to white sugar, dates have more natural sweetness that satisfies the sweet tooth while also being a healthy fruit.

By eating dates regularly, you can avoid diabetes.

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Some benefits of dates that we were not familiar with

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