The budget of Punjab will be presented todayThe budget of Punjab will be presented today

The size of Punjab’s development budget is proposed to be 700 billion: Photo: File

Lahore: The budget of about 5370 rupees for the new financial year will be presented in the Punjab Assembly today.

According to the sources, the revenue target will be 1 thousand 26 billion rupees. The province is likely to get 3700 billion rupees from the federation under NFC. 595 billion will be kept for salaries and 445 billion for pension.

Service delivery costs are estimated at 840 billion rupees. It is proposed to keep the size of the development budget at 700 billion rupees. 30 billion for Ramadan package, 8 billion will be given to CBD. The schemes will be completed in the next fiscal year 1863. 1617 ongoing while 246 new schemes are proposed to be completed. 1 trillion 21 billion 74 crore 60 lakhs have been allocated for road sector schemes.

According to sources, two billion rupees have been allocated for special education, three billion 50 million rupees for formal and non-formal education, while four billion 875 million rupees have been allocated for sports and youth affairs. 76 billion 615 million for specialized health care and 33 billion 897 million for primary health care.

3 billion for population welfare, 8 billion 99 million for water supply and sanitation, while 1 billion 50 million for social welfare and 92 billion for women’s development have been allocated. 14 billion four crore 80 lakhs have been allocated for local government.

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The Budget of Punjab Will be Presented Today

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