Shangla: 4 people were killed and 4 seriously injured when a jeep fell into a ravineShangla: 4 people were killed and 4 seriously injured when a jeep fell into a ravine

Peshawar: 4 people were killed and 4 seriously injured when a jeep fell into a deep ditch in Shangla Bisham area.

According to police sources, the accident took place in Barbatkot area of ​​Shangla-Basham where the jeep plunged into a deep ditch, as a result of which 4 passengers in the jeep were killed and as many were seriously injured.

With the help of local people, dead bodies and injured have been removed, while the injured have been shifted to Bisham Hospital.

According to the police, the accident occurred due to brake failure of the jeep.

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Shangla: 4 people were killed and 4 seriously injured when a jeep fell into a ravine

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