The control center of the human body

It is two o’clock in the afternoon. You are hungry. Had breakfast at seven in the morning, now the rats are running in the stomach.

At the same time you want to eat something delicious, chicken curry or nihari! Hunger and the desire for tasty food are not born automatically, but there is a small part of our brain that gives rise to these desires, which people are less aware of. It is called “Hypothalamus” in English and “Zir Andron Haram” in Urdu.

Smart system

The hypothalamus is located at the base of the brain. Its area is only the size of an almond, but it controls the release of almost all hormones and other chemicals in the human body.

These hormones and chemical substances keep the human alive by performing all the bodily functions and are also responsible for his health and safety. That is why the hypothalamus is called the control center or smart control system of the human body.

Because its area is so small, scientists have not been able to study the hypothalamus in depth in the past.

They found that this area regulates such and such hormones, but how, they did not know. Now, during the last ten years, the great development of medical science has given them a golden opportunity to know the secrets of this rare creation of divine nature.

What happens is that the nerve cells in our brain and body, which are also called neurons, bring chemical messages of various physical and mental requests to the hypothalamus. This area then secretes hormones, proteins and other chemicals to meet these demands.

These substances then materialize our desires. It seems that the hypothalamus plays a very important role in fulfilling human desires and wishes.

Functions performed

The hormones that the hypothalamus controls perform the following functions in us:

– Appetite – Satisfying thirst – Sleep and wake up – Regulate emotions, behavior and memory – Increase height – Keep body temperature normal – Heart rate moderate – Control mood – Other glands, especially the pituitary gland ( releasing hormones from the pituitary gland) – creating sexual desire – keeping the fluid level in the body moderate – producing milk in mothers – helping in childbirth – increasing love and affection between people – keeping depression under control – sugar in the body Controlling production and many other functions.

It has recently been revealed that the hypothalamus produces a protein substance called Menin. This protein then increases the amount of an amino acid, D-serine, in the human body.

When for some reason menin is not born, the amount of d-serine in the body also decreases. His bones become full. His memory is not good and he also loses his balance.

Clusters of cells

It is clear from the above facts that despite the small size of the hypothalamus in the human body, it has great importance. This truth reveals to us that it is not the size of the factory but the efficiency and capacity of something that is fundamental in nature.

Although the hypothalamus is small in size, it plays an important role in keeping a person alive and enjoying life.

There are clusters of cells in the hypothalamus. Each group performs its role by secreting specific hormones or secreting them from other glands.

For example, a group induces sleep in a person. Another group of cells wakes the person up by releasing their hormones or chemical signals. But all these groups are related to each other. This is the reason, when a person does not get adequate sleep for any reason, he feels physically and mentally exhausted and cannot do any work properly.

Similarly, the cells of a group produce feelings of love, hate, happiness, sadness, etc. in us. Researchers have discovered that when a person feels attracted to another person, their hypothalamus activates dopamine, a system that releases chemical signals in the brain. This system creates feelings of happiness in man.

Humans then come under the influence of the dopamine system and adopt different ways to influence and influence other humans. As if the hypothalamus has an important role in creating emotional relationships between humans.


Like other organs and glands of the human body, the hypothalamus also gets damaged due to certain reasons. Its malfunction leads to various medical disorders and diseases.

The main causes of the disorder are: – some genetic disease at birth or childhood – brain injury – brain tumor – not eating proper food – not getting the required blood to the brain – suffering from any infectious disease to be

When a person does not eat proper food, naturally his body does not get the required energy. Therefore, a person gets into a state of anxiety and mental and physical stress. In this condition, our adrenal glands release a hormone, cortisol.

This hormone affects the performance of the hypothalamus and it cannot do its job properly. In addition to mental and physical stress, taking drugs and eating too much fat-rich food, the hypothalamus cannot do its job properly and becomes damaged.

When the hypothalamus does not release hormones and other chemicals due to malfunction, their absence causes medical disorders in humans. Due to them, a person feels fatigue, fainting, lethargy and pain in the body.

Vision is affected. In this condition, experienced doctors first do tests for different hormones. If they are lacking in the body, it is an indication that the hypothalamus is not performing its responsibility properly. Doctors test for the following hormones and chemicals:

* Cortisol * Estrogen * Prolactin * Testosterone * Thyroid * Sodium * Blood * Urine * Adrenal hormones.

Unfortunately, if a person is affected by hypothalamus disorder in childhood, his sexual development cannot be done properly. His organs are usually left quite small and he is unable to reproduce. If the hypothalamus is damaged in youth, then there are negative effects on reproductive abilities.

Periods stop in women. While the ability to be a father is lost in men. Therefore, if a person feels general weakness, finds a decrease in his mental and physical strength, then he should also undergo tests to check the performance of his hypothalamus.

If they turn out to be bad, they are easy to treat. Otherwise, doctors spend a lot of money in the process of diagnosis.

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