Seasonal requirements and our daily diet

Our ideal health depends on water, air, food, clothing and lifestyle. As much as the climate is free from pollution, the daily diet is balanced, standard and free from adulteration, clothing and style are simple and natural, then we will enjoy good health and healthy life.

By changing our daily routines according to seasonal requirements and our physical needs, we can avoid countless problems. Every season has different requirements regarding clothing, lifestyle and diet.

December and January are the peak cold months in Pakistan. During this time, the consumption of hot and nutritious foods seems to be more than usual. Dry fruits are a natural and simple way to heat the body. For the health and fitness of the body, clothing and food should be used according to the environment and season. Balanced and proper diet is very important for health, youth and beauty. The food we consume on a daily basis is both a source of health for us and can also be a sign of disease.

Regarding the choice and use of daily food, it is not important how much we are eating, but what is important is what we are eating. The growth and physical changes of our body depend on the diet. If we choose and consume daily foods keeping in mind our physical needs, natural tendencies and physical inclinations, it can be said with great confidence that we will be protected from the attacks of diseases to a great extent.

From time immemorial, as soon as winter comes in our homes, food compounds full of energy and strength are being used. Eating energy-rich food in winter is the only protection against cold. All foods that are full of calories and heat.

In winter, the use of dry fruits (fruit dry), soup, ice cream, meat, fish dishes, cheese, desi ghee, linseed and rice cheeses, sesame laddoos, butter and honey not only restores and maintains health but also It also relieves many physical ailments. Dry fruits include chalgoza, pistachios, almonds, walnuts, groundnuts, dried apricots, dried figs, raisins, cashews and maloak etc. The staggering increase in the price of chalgoza over the past few years has made most of the people unable to afford it. Disused.

Nuts are used in nuts, so when you think of nuts, the disadvantages of fats come to the fore as nuts are considered to be the main source of fat. As soon as fat or oil comes to mind, the risk of many diseases starts to hover. An important explanation regarding dry fruits is that most of the dry fruits contain healthy and harmless fats. According to medical experts, there are two types of fats.

Saturated Fats, Unsaturated Fats: Fats that remain solid at room temperature and do not melt are called saturated fats. It acts as a means of thickening the blood, increasing the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Apart from this, it also causes the human body to suffer from many other disorders, while unsaturated fat dissolves at normal temperature and takes the form of liquid, and it also helps in balancing the cholesterol level in the blood. Is.

The fats found in dried fruits are unsaturated. Thus, by using them properly according to the season, we can get substantial benefits.

Fats obtained from nuts are a natural source of improving the circulatory system, providing strength and energy to the body. Nutrients in dried fruits provide moisture to the body and eliminate dryness. By providing strength to the brain, it increases its capabilities.

Strengthens the memory and strengthens the memory. Improves eyesight and eyesight. Strengthens nerves and muscles. By eliminating the dryness of the intestines, it relieves diseases like constipation. They help us to get rid of insomnia by removing mental dryness.

Wise physicians advise the proper use of almond oil to relieve constipation and body dryness etc. Drinking two to four spoons mixed with warm milk every night before going to sleep helps in getting rid of all health problems. After eating dry fruits, drinking water, tea, etc. should not be avoided, otherwise there may be a risk of catching diseases like cold, cough. Especially drinking water after peanuts causes cough while drinking tea after walnuts causes cold, flu and flu.

Eating jaggery with peanuts not only provides an energy boost but also protects against the aforementioned harms of peanuts.

Sesame seeds are also a common and relatively inexpensive species that has many medical benefits. People suffering from excessive urination will be cured if they use sesame seeds. Ladoos can be made by mixing jaggery with sesame seeds. Apart from this, if the following mixture is prepared, it is no less than a blessing for the weak.

Almond Nuts 100 grams, Pistachio Nuts 100 grams, Walnut Nuts 100 grams, Chalghoza Nuts 100 grams, Koza Misri 200 grams. Grind all the ingredients and mix one tea spoon in lukewarm milk in the morning and evening. This medicinal mixture not only has physical benefits but also has medicinal elixir status.

Cooking a few dates in milk is also a natural source of energy. The structure of the walnut brain is similar to that of the human brain. Walnuts have been described by medical experts as a source of great benefits for removing mental weakness and increasing its capabilities.

The shape of the almond kernel is similar to the human eye, so almonds are very beneficial in improving eyesight and curing poor eyesight. This fact has been proved by medical experiments that the fruit, flower, sex and seed structure which resembles the part of the human body has the best benefits for that organ or part.

Honey also has great benefits in preventing the severity of cold. It is not only a natural source of immunity booster but also has antidote properties. It cleanses the body of toxins and makes it healthy. The best way to use honey in winter is to mix it with warm milk and drink it. Milk mixed with honey provides energy to the body. Protects the body from cold by increasing body temperature.

It should be remembered that drinking honey mixed with milk can be harmful for people whose temperament is dominated by heat, especially unmarried people should use honey instead of adding it to milk. Mix in lukewarm water and drink.

Grinding Kalonji and making a paste with honey and eating 1 to 2 spoons twice a day with half milk also increases the heat and energy of the body.

Similarly, by soaking 5 to 7 figs in water at night and eating them in the morning, many physical disorders are relieved. Especially for such people who are constantly suffering from constipation, the use of figs is no less than a miracle. Due to the cold weather, consumption of water is very less in this season, so the disease like constipation starts to appear more. In such a case, regular eating of figs proves to be the best source of health.

People suffering from mental and nervous weakness should mix one spoon of shelled milk, 2 spoons of almond oil and one spoon of honey in warm milk at night. After a few days of use, the power will be available. Apart from this, the use of honey is easy and useful by mixing it with almond oil, olive oil and kalonji oil on bread for breakfast. Adding honey to clove, cinnamon and saffron coffee also gives wonderful benefits.

Carrot is also a great blessing of Lord Almighty in the winter season. Drinking carrot juice mixed with amla juice and honey prevents premature aging. It helps in maintaining the natural hair color for a long time. People suffering from heart diseases, if they cook 10 grams of Arjuna in a suitable amount of milk and mix it with 1/2 spoon of honey, they get relief from disorders like narrowing of the arteries and thickening of the blood.

Remember that fresh carrots and apples are more beneficial than eating carrot and apple jam. Since carrots and apples are abundant and common in winter season, use their juice etc. to enjoy many benefits. Marba is eaten on days when it is not available fresh. The ancient doctors, while making jams, had put forward the need to use their medicinal benefits even in the off-season.

Paneer, Panjiri, and the traditional and well-known common ‘Bhanda’ are also excellent sources of nutrition in winter. Drinking raw egg mixed with milk is also a quick and natural source of energy. Similarly, the use of Desi ghee in proper quantity is also the best natural food to give strength and energy to the body.

Its side effects can be avoided by exercising and exercising. There is a famous Punjabi saying, “Dudh vadhave buddha te ghee vadhave kho padi” which means milk increases intelligence and ghee improves mental abilities. Butter is slightly lower in fat than ghee, so benefits can be gained by using butter.

Meat is also considered an important and major source of heat and energy for the human body. Meat produces blood in the body. Vitamin A is found in its fat, which is considered an essential element for the human body. Smaller meat (goat, sheep) is slightly less harmful than larger meat (cow, buffalo).

The meat of the birds is the best and is preserved from all kinds of damage. Chicken, quail, pheasant, pigeon, pheasant, chicken and sparrow meat can be used. Heat and energy are slightly higher in the meat of birds. Thus, poultry meat can be a weapon to protect against cold. Fish is considered an excellent food in terms of nutrition. It is considered as a natural and excellent source of calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, proper use of fish also plays an important role in increasing physical strength and abilities.

The spices used in our kitchen are not only the cause of pleasure and taste but also prove to be the cause of heat and energy. Cinnamon, cumin, mint, black pepper, red pepper, cloves, cardamom, allspice, nutmeg, dry coriander and turmeric are commonly used in various dishes. Ginger, onion and garlic also have undeniable benefits in taste and nutrition. Remember that we can benefit from foods only by using them properly and in moderation.

So use all the blessings of God while living in balance and moderation. Elderly people must consume such supportive nutritional supplements to protect them from any unpleasant situation. As old age itself is an incurable disease, any other disease can make you suffer from more physical complications.

We use a lot of tea and coffee to avoid cold, which is completely against medical principles and harmful behavior. Use tea and coffee in moderation or the caffeine in tea and coffee will cause more physical problems for you. There is no harm in consuming green tea and coffee in certain quantities.

Adding ginger to green tea has even more benefits. Use of seasonal fruits and vegetables should be mandatory. Regional and seasonal fruits and vegetables produced according to the season are naturally beneficial for us. The Creator of the Universe has created all creatures for the benefit and use of man. Therefore, by adopting the natural way, we can not only maintain our health and fitness, but also make it possible for us to achieve countless eases.

Exercising during this season is more important than normal days. Because we use more nutritious food to avoid the severity of cold. Due to lack of exercise and indulgence, the accumulation of excess and irregular substances in the body can expose us to a great danger. This is the reason why many life-threatening diseases such as sudden heart attack, stroke and brain hemorrhage are increasing day by day in this season.

Adequate use of water should also be mandatory in winter. Due to the abnormal increase in body temperature due to frequent use of chicken and nutritious food, disorders like itching, hemorrhoids and kidney pain also start to appear.

Drinking the juice of musmi, carrot, apple and cane and proper and regular consumption of radish, carrot, turnip and cabbage also protects against countless physical problems. Keeping these things in mind, readers can not only stay safe from diseases in winter but also improve their health.

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Seasonal requirements and our daily diet

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