Saudi Arabia clarified its position for the restoration of relations with Israel

Saudi Arabia has made it clear once again that it will not normalize relations with Israel without a two-state solution for Palestine. In the discussion, there was talk of normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, in a meeting with the American national security advisor in Jerusalem, further said that after other Arab countries, now we want to make the Ibrahim agreement with Saudi Arabia as well.
Responding to this, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan said that the normalization of relations and real stability in the Middle East will only come from giving the Palestinians an independent state.

In his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Saudi Foreign Minister further said that we stand by our principled position on the two-state solution of Palestine and without it negotiations with Israel cannot take place.

Saudi Arabia is a close partner of the US but has yet to sign an agreement with Israel, while the US has brokered agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and other Arab countries.

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Saudi Arabia clarified its position for the restoration of relations with Israel

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