Results of political riots - Express Urdu

The selfishness of politicians has brought the country to the brink of destruction today. (Photo: File)

It does not need proof when it is shown in front. Today, Pakistan itself has given the opportunity to discuss the situation in Pakistan, how India is distorting the situation of Pakistan by sitting on its channels. All this is the result of the incompetence of our rulers that we are facing such things today. Indian anchors are saying on their TV channels where Pakistan stands today and India has gone ahead.

This is correct. Just think there is political chaos here, then India has come a long way in IT. Here there are political interests, there Modi fights for state interests. There is also an opposition, there are also various movements flourishing, in which the Khalistan movement is on the rise, but it is such a nation that it has completely ignored this issue by not discussing it in its media. But the political chaos of our country is on the rise.

Just a few days ago, a well-known analyst did a program, the title of which was something like: Is America imposing India on Pakistan, is it not a trick of America? I would like to say to all such analysts that America does not need to do such hard work. What is the need for outsiders to work hard when their own rulers are managing the enmity very well. Perhaps this statement that Indian General Bakshi gave on his media channels would not have been heard because those days Imran Khan was giving his statements against the army and the institutions. General Bakshi had said in a very beautiful way that for the work that Imran Khan is doing in his country, we neither need to work hard nor spend billions.

After this one statement, I do not agree that America is imposing India on us. And if we look at the current situation, whatever we have imposed is due to our own shortcomings. Shahbaz Sharif was looking very worried and anxious about the IMF loan in the past days, he even decided to sell his clothes. But the clothes are so stained that there is no serf to clean them, who will take the stained clothes?

On the other hand, when Bilawal talks about inflation or the problems of the people, the heart wants to burst out laughing, because now we have done a lot. If Bilawal’s assets in Dubai are brought to Pakistan, and Shehbaz Sharif’s assets are brought to Pakistan, then we will not have to take a loan. He did not let the children of the country or the 22 crore people remain.

Our country’s situation has been so weakened in the political turmoil that we have forgotten to solve the problems of Pakistan, even the overseas Pakistanis. The status of Pakistanis living abroad has also not changed. On the value of Pakistan’s economy, every Pakistani is thinking that one member of the family must be sent outside Pakistan in order to live a better life. We have not imposed anyone on Pakistan and neither have the people of Pakistan. People don’t have enough understanding, if they get relief from the fire of bread and hunger, they should think about something. The fault lies only with those rulers who have ruled but have never made any policy to bring the country’s economy out of misery.

What is the point of all these branded parties which are suffering the consequences of 22 crore people. A supplementary budget is presented every few months. There is no concern about how the poor will meet their living needs. But even now, open any news channel and watch the political riot will continue. The current party will seem to be blaming the previous one, and the previous ones will be looking down on their predecessors. The question arises whether anyone has the ability to improve.

These parties were in power before, but the problems remained the same, inflation was there yesterday, it is today and it will be in the future. As long as this political chaos continues in the country, no foreign investors can come into this country, the economy can never improve. No one has realized the situation Pakistan is facing yet.

The situation is such that inflation has reached the highest level in history. The value of the rupee is at its lowest level. In the light of past experiences, it would not be wrong to say that our lack of consistency in government policies is a major cause of our economic problems. If we have to mention any other major reason, we have to remember the waste of national resources. Unless this attitude is changed and resources are used to their best productive capacity, from the government system to the life of the common man, our economic problems cannot be solved.

Crises, however, bring difficulties. I am reminded of a quote by Winston Churchill, Don’t waste a crisis. Therefore, we need to implement this saying in the collective life of the kind of problems we are going through today. This opportunity, which seems to be fraught with unimaginable difficulties, can teach us new ways of economic management. But the question is, will we learn something from the past or will we continue to repeat the same mistakes or will we continue to waste all our strength in the same political mess?

Note: Express News and its policy do not necessarily agree with the views of this blogger.

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