Various uses and medicinal benefits of the oil

Whether man is from ancient times or living in modern advanced age, he has to adopt many ways to maintain and restore his health.

Human health and fitness depends on good environment, good climate, natural lifestyle, balanced and quality food and constructive routines. A balanced diet includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, salads, and seeds or seed oils.

Oils are an essential part of the human body’s beauty, softness and freshness. Different types of oils are also part of our daily diet.

Cooking oil, Banaspati or desi ghee, mustard oil or olive oil is a must when cooking in our homes.

In ancient times, wise physicians used to massage the body with different oils to get rid of various diseases. Sesame oil, olive oil and many other oils were used with great confidence to relieve physical and nervous pains such as back pain, bruises, sprains and strains.

In the present era, doctors have started advising the use of natural oil due to the fear of diseases such as heart disease, cholesterol, uric acid, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease and stroke, brain hemorrhage etc.

Fats are found in oils. According to medical experts, fats are of two types. One is a healthy fat and the other is a harmful fat. Beneficial fats that are melted by human body heat are called ‘unsaturated fats’.

Another unhealthy fat is called ‘saturated fat’. Desi ghee, mustard, olive, peanut, almond and soybean oils are considered as useful edible oils for human health. Whereas coconut and sunflower oils are considered to be somewhat harmful to health due to being saturated fats.

On the one hand, modern medicine doctors have spread a lot of misconceptions about Desi Ghee, and secondly, Desi Ghee is also very expensive. The purchasing power of the common man is far away. Desi ghee is the best natural source for developing mental abilities, making the body fat and beautiful and boosting immunity.

Desi ghee is also an excellent natural source of vitamin D. If children who are weak in size, are not growing properly, then by massaging the body of the child with desi ghee and laying it in the sun for a while, the growth of the child starts to improve and the size becomes stronger.

In the same way, olive oil is expensive because it is not produced in our country and its purity is also questionable. Profiteers are allegedly involved in selling ordinary cooking oil with olive flavor and color.

Unfortunately, despite being an agricultural country, the cultivation of our local commodities like mustard, groundnut, maize, sunflower etc. is much less than what we need.

According to a recently published report, we can import 75% of our edible oil from foreign countries and use only 25% domestic oil. Although being an agricultural country, our lands and climate are also suitable for the cultivation of mustard, soybeans, corn, sunflower and peanuts.

The country’s valuable foreign exchange is being lost due to carelessness and indifference. We request the government and departmental officials that by giving full attention to the cultivation of mustard, soybeans, corn, sunflower and peanuts, we can not only meet our domestic food needs but also increase the domestic foreign exchange by exporting them. can

Thus, cultivation of sesame seeds can and is being done on a large scale in our country, but medical experts do not recommend sesame oil for cooking. Sesame oil is widely used externally for warming the body, relieving physical and nervous pains, injuries, sprains, back and joint pains. According to experts, sesame oil is heavy, which can affect the efficiency of the digestive system.

If local attention is paid to the cultivation of mustard, sunflower, corn, banola, groundnut and soybeans, the country’s foreign exchange can be saved and the public can also be protected from deadly and deadly diseases.

A clarification regarding mustard oil is necessary that there are several varieties of mustard, including Raya Desi Mustard, Turiya Taramira and Cabbage Mustard Canola Oil.

The oil of native common mustard, also known as raya, contains up to 50% acid content, making the oil unfit for consumption. This makes food tasteless and bitter, which makes it difficult to eat. Canola oil, also known as cabbage mustard, is considered the best oil to eat. Cabbage Mustard Canola Oil is also low in acidic substances, so food cooked in it is full of flavor and deliciousness.

Canola oil is also considered excellent for maintaining good health. It is a non-coagulable fat and does not clot in blood vessels or cause blood clotting.

Although sunflower oil has the ability to coagulate, it can also be made edible by undergoing chemical processing. Also, by using sunflower oil in soap making industry, we can save foreign exchange.

Adding olive oil to food is extremely beneficial for health. Olive has a hot dry temperament and it strengthens the heart, mind, nerves, liver and stomach. But due to the lack of local crops in Pakistan, it is quite expensive.

However, those who can afford it can protect themselves from countless deadly and life-threatening diseases by including olive oil in their diet. Be careful about using olive oil and roasted almonds as cooking them on fire will burn their beneficial health components and will not prove to be healthy enough. By adding olive oil and roasted almonds to the vegetables, their health benefits can be fully utilized.

Likewise, milk, fruit juices or soupy curries can be added as desired to reap their rich benefits.

Lugan Badam is also an excellent remedy for dryness of the body and mind. By massaging the body, the pores of the body open and oxygen absorption in the cells increases, causing health and energy. Mixing almond oil with lukewarm milk and drinking it relieves constipation and cures insomnia.

Peanut oil also has unsaturated properties. According to the country’s nutritional requirements, groundnut cultivation should also be increased commercially, this can make healthy edible oil available and save the country’s foreign exchange.

Peanut oil is considered by medical experts to be healthy and heart friendly. It protects the heart and also plays a key role in maintaining overall health. Coconut oil is coagulant and blood thickener.

Coconut oil should not be added to food. It can be used in large quantities in skin beauty and hair growth essentials. Pumpkin oil is very useful in mental dryness, mental weakness, mental disorders. If you are unable to sleep, massage the top of your head with a few drops of pumpkin spice and you will get a good night’s sleep.

In our homes, linseed and linseed oil are also widely used in winter. Flaxseed is the best remedy for cholesterol, uric acid and physical and mental weakness. Amla Coriander and Sikakai oils are commonly used to protect, strengthen and grow hair. The use of castor oil or castor oil is also common in our country.

Castor oil is usually mixed with milk by mothers to relieve constipation. According to medical experts, castor oil is a harmless and useful medicine that is useful for children, elderly and young alike.

Readers should remember to use any herbal medicine including essential oils under the advice of a specialist for best and immediate results. Self-medication and hearsay tips can be harmful to health.

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