A new toothpaste that protects against food allergies is ready

California: Scientists have developed a new toothpaste that can eliminate the sensitivity of people with peanut allergies.

Scientists from the American state of California tested this toothpaste on 32 people who were allergic to peanuts. This toothpaste contains very small amounts of peanut proteins that cause allergies in people.

Of the 32 participants in the study, 24 were given the original compound while eight were given a placebo (a harmless substance). Individuals who were given toothpaste were given an increased amount of toothpaste each time, ie, an increased amount of peanut protein each time.

In the study, participants brushed their teeth once a day for 11 months. The researchers observed that no one developed a severe allergic reaction during this time, indicating that the product is safe for use by people with nut allergies.

This toothpaste is extracted in a balanced amount and cleans the teeth just like any other toothpaste.

By exposing participants to small amounts of this compound, experts believed that it would gradually desensitize these individuals to peanuts and reduce their risk of developing an allergy.

This new toothpaste uses an oral mucosal immunotherapy method that affects the inner surface of the mouth and the numerous immune response cells present there to desensitize patients.

The research findings were presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology meeting in California.

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A new toothpaste that protects against food allergies is ready

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