Myths about donating blood

New York: Your decision to donate blood can save a life, even if your blood is separated into its components: red cells, platelets and plasma, many more lives can be saved for patients under certain conditions. Can be used individually.

Dr. James F. Kenney, associate chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Staten Island University Hospital in New York, highlighted the importance and benefits of donated blood to society, but he noted the skepticism found among some people about donating blood. He also pointed out the unfounded fears which are as follows:

1) Donating blood can make you sick

2) Elderly people cannot donate blood: People who have donated blood before can donate blood up to the age of 70 years. Anyone who is above 70 years of age but has donated blood in the last 2 years He is also eligible to donate blood.

3) People who are taking medicines, cannot donate blood: This is half true. People who take certain medications, including anticoagulants, antiplatelet medications, or are undergoing certain treatments for acne, should not donate blood, but in most cases, medications do not mean that a person can donate blood.

4) Donating blood causes infection

5) Blood Transfusion Causes Infection: Another common misconception is that one is at a higher risk of infection when one receives a blood transfusion. While this is not the case. If there is an infection in the blood, people can become infected through blood transfusions. However, this is very rare because the blood is tested strictly for many viruses and bacteria.

6) You can donate blood only once in a whole year

7) People with a scar on the body or any part of the body with a piercing cannot donate blood

8) People with high blood pressure cannot donate blood

9) People with high cholesterol cannot donate blood

10) Vegetarians cannot donate blood at all

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Myths about donating blood

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