Eating Cheese May Be Better for Mental Health, Research

Tokyo: Staying active, eating a healthy diet and avoiding smoking are among the most important tips doctors give to maintain brain health over time. But scientists have discovered a diet that may be beneficial for mental health.

Researchers at the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology in Obo, Japan examined the health and eating habits of more than 1,500 people over the age of 65.

Experts said that people whose diet consisted of cheese on a regular basis scored better on a brain test.

According to the scientists, the results of the research show that people who ate cheese had a lower risk of brain damage. Cheese may contain ingredients that improve brain performance, but the results of the research are not confirmed. Further studies are needed.

Health experts recommend maintaining a moderate weight, avoiding alcohol and controlling blood pressure to reduce mental health risks. But the study’s researchers point out that previous studies have shown that physical activity , the Mediterranean diet and consumption of dairy foods may delay or prevent the deterioration of mental health.

While other studies have shown that soy products, vegetables, seaweed, milk and products made from it reduce the risks.

To find out the relationship between mental health and dairy products, the team of researchers analyzed data from 1,504 people over the age of 65 in Tokyo. These people were asked questions about their dietary habits and health.

According to the data, cheese was included in the diet of about 80 percent of the people who participated in the research. 27.6 percent people ate cheese daily, 23.7 people every two days while 29.7 percent people ate cheese once or twice a week.

On a brain test, people who ate cheese scored an average of 28 points, while those who didn’t ate cheese scored 27 points.

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Eating Cheese May Be Better for Mental Health, Research

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