Perspective: Problems faced by youth in Pakistan

Department of Journalism, Punjab University Lahore

Pakistan has a large youth population, with the majority of the country’s population under the age of 30. This youth population represents a potential source of strength for the country’s economy and society, but these youth in the homeland also face several challenges and issues that need to be addressed.

The biggest challenge facing the youth in Pakistan is unemployment. According to a report by the International Labor Organization (ILO), the youth unemployment rate in Pakistan is a staggering 9.1 percent, which is significantly higher than the overall unemployment rate in the country. This lack of job opportunities not only leads to financial insecurity but also creates a feeling of despair and hopelessness.

Education, on which a successful career and future is built, unfortunately, a significant number of youth in Pakistan are deprived of this basic right. According to UNESCO, Pakistan has the highest rate of out-of-school children in the world. This lack of education not only limits their future prospects but also increases the factors of unemployment.

Pakistan is a developing country with very high levels of poverty. Many young people in Pakistan are born into families living in poverty, unable to meet their basic needs such as food, shelter and healthcare. Poverty has a significant impact on the mental and physical health of young people and prevents them from realizing their full potential.

Pakistan also faces health challenges that affect the youth the most. For example, malnutrition is a major problem, with an estimated 40 percent of children under the age of five suffering from chronic malnutrition. Other health issues facing youth in the country include lack of access to basic health care services, rising rates of communicable diseases, and lack of mental health support.

Gender inequality is a major issue in Pakistan, and the youth are not immune to its effects. Adolescent girls often do not have equal access to education and health opportunities, and are more likely to experience discrimination and violence. Young men are also affected by gender inequality, as their behavior is expected to conform to masculinity and other rigid societal norms.

Watan Aziz has a long history of political instability, and this has a significant impact on the lives of young people. A lack of political stability can lead to a lack of investment in education and infrastructure, limiting future opportunities for young people. In addition, political instability can lead to violence and social unrest, which have significant impacts on the mental health and well-being of young people.

Drug abuse among the country’s youth is a growing problem. According to a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Pakistan has one of the highest rates of drug abuse in the world.

It is estimated that more than 7 million people use drugs. Drug abuse has devastating effects on the physical and mental health of young people and can also cause social and economic problems.

The problems faced by the youth in Pakistan are multifaceted. Tackling these problems will require a holistic approach, which addresses the root causes of these problems. Providing education, employment opportunities, access to technology, tackling poverty and health issues, promoting gender equality, and addressing drug abuse and religious extremism are all important steps to ensure There is a need to work so that the youth in Pakistan can use their full potential positively. Pakistan can use its youth to realize the dream of a bright future for the country.

Seeking peace

Sometimes we are unknowingly acting against nature but we don’t realize it. There is a sense of helplessness in “What You Will”, after which one has to take the path of patience. But to happily obey the voice of your heart is to be attuned to the order of nature.

By connecting with the system of nature, the heart surely feels calm that what Allah the Exalted is doing is what we are doing, so how about anxiety? The negative forces disappear, and nothing can stand in the way of the positive force that inspires us, because in the abundance and continuity of the Creator’s system, we receive all the powers that the Creator has. are

As if the first step to make life peaceful is to keep our life connected with the system of nature. If you look at it in a way, the style is also the same as “whatever you want”, but there is no force or compulsion in it, but we have taken this path with pleasure, with our consent, for the sake of our peace. The difference is:

1. Saying “whatever you want” under compulsion will bring ease in life, but it will not provide peace of mind.

2. Saying “whatever you want” with happiness will not only make life easier but also bring peace of mind and heart.

3. Unknowingly saying “whatever you want” will not make you feel the state of anxiety, because it is never related to the state of anxiety.

Then there is a big difference between saying and doing. It is very easy to say to turn your life from here to there and from this side to that, but doing it is like gambling. If a person adopts the principle of number two and continues to follow it, who else will have a better life than him? Because the one who unknowingly follows “what you want” has no sense of any situation. If a person is going through a time of pain and suffering, then only he can understand the suffering he is going through. Others can only give comfort, we have to do the work of bearing the situation ourselves and we have to fight with ourselves. In compulsion, the one who follows “what you will” realizes after every bad time, how the effects of positive and negative forces are.

The important thing is that in any part of our life we ​​realize how much ease comes after accepting the order of nature so that we never feel alone and never depressed or depressed. Don’t be in a state of despair. Just have faith that whatever happens will be approved by God and will include God’s pleasure and improvement.

Aqsa Sajjad
Department of Journalism, Punjab University Lahore

* You must have spoken from the heart, how difficult it is to choose the right words for the first sentence. Every letter that comes out of the tongue is born with both good and bad and that one letter has the power to change the circumstances and events of life in a few moments. The word comes from the pen and the thought from the heart and mind, and the dialogue of the heart is the word, the letter. The writing style of the pen increases the value of the word, so a slight mistake makes the mahram a criminal and the criminal a mahram. The time says that the truth should be written because the situation is very serious and the issues are unspeakable. Our beloved country never got financial and economic freedom, but who is responsible for the ropes of economic slavery in which we are now tied? The question is bitter but it is also important to inform the public about the truth and facts. How did the Soviet Union disintegrate and why is Afghanistan in this situation? On the other hand, how Bangladesh achieved development in a short period of time and how India built trillions of reserves while developing, does not require any investigation or specific thought, except that That we understand that states ensure economic stability and geographical security through democracy and political stability.

We cannot achieve economic freedom by being burdened by innumerable debts, nor can anyone who makes big claims save us from slavery. Slogans of ‘we are no slaves’ can neither rid us of billions of dollars of debt nor give us real freedom. This requires financial self-sufficiency which is not available, and the pocketbook is such that whatever money comes in goes out.

The economy was never good anyway, but the current situation is so shocking that it cannot be imagined. People are very worried due to inflation and even the smallest thing is beyond the reach of the people. Neither milk and honey were available yesterday, nor now bread, cloth and houses are within the reach of the people, but it was not in the imagination that the situation would become so bad. The government is not interested in reviewing the current situation. On one hand, the examples of the Soviet Union are being given, on the other hand, threats are being made by Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan to suppress the federation if the economic demands are not met. All kinds of divisions are intensifying at every stage, on the other hand, insecurity is rampant on the western border. In Pakistan, the Tehreek-e-Taliban seems to be on the rise again and the threats to the ANP’s Amil Wali Khan point to a threat that needs to be realized urgently. A weak and helpless economy and internal crisis. They weaken any country. Amidst all this, the psychological war that both the state and the people have to fight together, but the political divide is not going away. We are neither the Soviet Union nor are our policies similar to those of developed countries that we can use to take the country to the brink of development. In the midst of dictatorships and controlled democracies, we are still a democratic nation at the public level. Hypocrites and opportunists waiting for economic hardship and loss should remember that their political interests are also connected with the people of the country and the state. Apparently, it seems that the people of Watan Aziz are unfortunate who are the real asset of the country. These democratic people are running the system of the country at the social level with hard work despite the difficulties. In contrast, rulers only care about their own interests and power. These ‘lucky’ rulers ruthlessly squander the country’s resources and spend public tax money on their personal luxuries.

The present situation demands that all the political leadership should be conscious and take such decisions keeping in view the public interest, which will reduce the hardships of the people in the coming years and enable the people to lead a prosperous life. A ‘Truth Commission’ should also be constituted to examine the responsibility for the current economic crisis, which should inform the public that due to which economic policies and which personalities, the country has reached the place where there is a ditch in front and the sea behind. .

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