A great feature for people who are worried about voice messages on WhatsApp

Globally popular messaging app WhatsApp has become the main means of communication, but it can also become confusing at times, especially when you start receiving long voice messages from someone.

Talkative people send several minutes long voice messages without realizing that the person receiving the message is feeling disgusted and irritated by their voice messages.

However, now WhatsApp is going to introduce a new feature for such worried people.

According to a report, WhatsApp has introduced a feature to convert audio messages into text.

The person receiving the message can read the transcript if they do not want to listen to the voice message.

This text will appear only in the user’s device, it will not be stored in the WhatsApp server.

Currently this feature is offered for iPhone and further work is in progress as this feature cannot transcribe certain languages ​​and certain words.

It has not yet been decided when this feature will be rolled out permanently and for Android devices.


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A great feature for people who are worried about voice messages on WhatsApp

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