How to ensure oral health?

A person’s face is a mirror of his personality, similarly his mouth is a reflection of his physical health. Symptoms of various diseases of the body appear in the mouth.

That’s why doctors must perform oral examination to diagnose diseases. On the other hand, the germs in the mouth can enter the blood and cause numerous diseases in the body.

These include various gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation of the heart, lungs, bone joints and life-threatening infection of the brain. Therefore, oral health and diseases should not be neglected. A clean mouth, shiny teeth and a beautiful smile make a person dignified and confident.

Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to keep his mouth clean. It was his habit to brush frequently. Before every prayer and after getting up from sleep, you must do the Miswak. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “I was repeatedly ordered to brush my teeth, until I began to fear that it was obligatory.” (Tabarani, Musnad Ahmad) On another occasion, he said: The doer and the cause of God’s pleasure.” (Sunan Nasa’i)


Like the rest of the body, the mouth also has natural germs. Eating starchy (bread, bread, cake, pizza) and sweet foods and not brushing properly, food particles get stuck in the teeth, then these bacteria eat them and release acid. From which the teeth start to decay, which is commonly known as tooth decay.

Tooth decay can lead to cavity formation, which can lead to frequent food jams, increased sensitivity, and difficulty in chewing.

This hole can be repaired by filling. If it is not treated in time, it becomes severe pain and spreading infection, the pus spreads from the roots of the teeth to the gums and bones, especially in people who have a weak immune system, such as diabetes, smoking. In patients with cancer, anemia, organ transplant, etc., tooth and gum infection can spread rapidly. This infection can spread to the throat, eyes, lungs, heart or brain. It should be treated immediately.

Gum problems

Bad breath, sensitivity, gingivitis and bleeding can have many causes, such as poor oral hygiene, tartar build-up, diabetes, immunosuppression, bleeding disorders. Decreased ability to stop.

Vitamin K deficiency, unbalanced hormones (pregnancy/menstruation), unbalanced diet, smoking etc. In such a case, a qualified physician should be treated. Some people suffer from mouth ulcers. Its causes include depression, lack of sleep, lack of vitamins, iron and folic acid in the blood, gastrointestinal problems, various medications and allergies.

How to brush your teeth

If you suffer from any of the above problems, this symptom indicates that you need to learn how to brush your teeth properly. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.

The brush should be chosen according to your gums. Brushing too hard can injure the gums, loosen the teeth, and expose the roots of the teeth.

While more soft brushes do not clean the teeth. Instead of rubbing the brush straight and rough on the teeth, make a forty-five degree angle, brushing back and forth and up and down with light pressure. This method can be learned from your therapist or by watching a few videos. Apart from the teeth, the tongue, palate and cheeks should also be cleaned. Which can significantly reduce the smell of the mouth.

If there is a gap between the teeth, in which food gets stuck, it should be filled by your dentist and cleaned with an interdental brush or floss, which is available in the market, instead of using a hard wooden pick. I am easily available. If tartar is accumulating in one’s teeth, go to the doctor and get scaling done. Using a medicated toothpaste instead of regular toothpaste can ease the pain.

Some people use manjen or dentonic powder, this makes the teeth look shiny but the friction creates tiny holes that can further weaken the tooth.

Children’s oral health

Children’s teeth are usually not taken care of because they will fall out in a few years and other teeth will come in. However, children stop eating and drinking due to swelling and pain due to tooth decay at this age. Which affects their growth and health and may cause various problems in the next teeth.

A newborn baby’s mouth should be cleaned with a soft muslin cloth. There are silicone brushes available in the market that can be easily cleaned by placing a finger on the baby’s mouth. Brushing should be done immediately after eating.

If the children have worms in their teeth, it means that the child is not able to brush their teeth and it is the responsibility of the mother to clean the child’s teeth by herself or under her supervision and get the teeth treated.

Children who have cavities in their milk teeth should be filled with fissure sealant immediately after the eruption of molars. So that they can avoid getting infected. Usually, the first molars appear at the age of six to seven years.

In children over four years of age, feeding, pacifier or thumb sucking can lead to crooked teeth and jaw structure. Various devices like appliance crib are used to get rid of this habit at an early age, for which you can consult a doctor. If neglected, one has to go ahead and undergo expensive and difficult treatments to straighten crooked teeth and jaws.

Deterioration of facial features can affect the child’s psychology. Children who sleep with a feeder at night have the highest rate of tooth decay.

It is the mother’s responsibility to break the feeder habit as soon as possible. And in case of necessity, if the feeder is being given, sugar or any sweet drink should not be added to it and the mouth must be cleaned after drinking milk. Children should eat less sweet and starchy foods. A balanced and healthy diet should be inculcated from childhood. Children’s teeth and bones are strengthened by foods rich in vitamin D, C and calcium.


Some people have the habit of grinding their teeth during sleep or unconsciously, which is usually due to some mental stress or some people grind their teeth in anger. Some people have a habit of chewing betel leaf or pencil.

All these habits wear away the upper surface of the tooth, sensitivity increases, teeth become weak and move, and the jaw joint, muscles and headaches are complained of. These habits should be avoided. An occlusal splint may be used to protect the teeth, for which a physician should be consulted.

Oral cancer

Mouth cancer is very dangerous. It can spread rapidly and cause death. Unfortunately, there is a lack of seriousness and ignorance regarding oral health among Pakistani people. The use of paan, chalia, gutka, tobacco, snuff is very common. Because of which the rate of mouth cancer and its deaths is also very high.

If there are white, red bumps, scars or sores in the mouth that do not heal with normal treatment, people with blisters stop opening their mouths, have trouble swallowing food, teeth start moving for no reason, or any mouth sores. If the part is heard, go to a qualified physician and undergo an oral screening examination, these may be the early signs of cancer.

Better treatment is possible with timely diagnosis. Remember that health is the greatest blessing of Allah after faith, value it and treasure the state of health before illness. Consider oral hygiene as a sunnah and organize it thoroughly.

(Dr. Sudra Ejaz is a Dental Surgeon in Karachi. She has done MCPS in Family Dentistry. She is also serving in various positions in Women’s Department of Pakistan Islamic Medical Association.)

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How to ensure oral health?

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