XApp begins testing job ads

X (Former Tutor) has released regular job advertisements on the app. Photo: Social Media Today

San Francisco: After several months of testing, Elon Musk’s X app has released a list of jobs from reputable organizations for its users. It can also be seen in the new beta version of the previous Tutor app.

With this facility, various organizations can publish advertisements for the search of higher manpower. It should be noted that Elon Musk wants X to be transformed into a versatile and useful app in every way.

In this regard, some screenshots have been revealed in which the list of jobs can be seen with the golden mark, profiles of businesses and companies, the main timeline or the number of followers.

By clicking on ‘View All Jobs’ in the beta version you can access all the jobs that this company has posted. A job application can also be made from the same app. X has said that it is also guaranteeing the validity of these jobs.

If you are a company owner, you need to verify your organization for this facility. For this, one has to buy a premium business plan of $1000 per month and also apply for the Abex Hiring Beta.

Despite the beta version, the jobs listings are not visible to all countries and users, but this is definitely a major step towards making X an ‘everything’ app. Elon Musk wants to make the most of this app and turn it into a trillion dollar company.

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XApp begins testing job ads

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