Automatic robot that reduces mental stress with ease

An automatic bath that can relieve mental stress with the ease of hands. Photo: Courtesy of Newatlas

New York: Scientists have revealed that in case of stress, if a soft brush is applied to the hand, it reduces the stress.

Although breathing exercises and meditation etc. also reduce stress. However, among them, ‘pratharlams’ (affective touch) has its place. Under this concern, an automatic soft brush has been developed that can be worn on the arm in case of anxiety. In particular, caressing the hairy part of the arm leads to growth.

Earlier this method has been tried on several volunteers and they found it useful when the brush was applied to their hands in case of anxiety. Accordingly, Cornell University professor Sang Chaudhry and his colleagues have created a mechanical brush that can be applied to the hands. It has electric motors, actuators and springs and is equipped with a brush with fine light hairs that are similar to velvet.

When it was tested on 24 volunteers, its efficacy was revealed. All individuals were also subjected to ‘stressful cognitive’ tests. However, in 12 subjects the system continued to function, while in the other 12 subjects it was switched off midway, after which both groups were subjected to ‘prevalent stress tests’.

People who had the arm supported by the robot saw a 50 percent reduction in stress after a while. This is because under the hairs of the arms there are special components called ‘tactile receptors’ that give us comfort when someone holds our hand and caresses it. Its effect goes to the brain and there is a feeling of tranquility.

A detailed account of this research has been published in the journal Proceedings of the ACM.

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Automatic robot that reduces mental stress with ease

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