The lover who killed his beloved in the hotel room has been jailed for 60 years

In America, a 35-year-old man killed his 47-year-old girlfriend in a hotel, Photo: File

A 35-year-old suspect who killed his 47-year-old life partner with a sharp knife in the American state of Texas has been sentenced to 60 years in prison.

According to the American Broadcasting Corporation, McNeil, a 35-year-old man, brutally killed his 47-year-old friend Hook on August 17, 2020, when the two were in a hotel room.

When the police arrived at the scene, they found the woman covered in blood. The woman was stabbed 27 times with two stab wounds to the heart causing severe heart damage.

The woman was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries, but she died during treatment. The police arrested the accused from the hotel room who was unconscious.

During the investigation, McNeil confessed to the murder, while his criminal record was also found.

The court said that although the accused has accepted his crime, but he considers the victim to be guilty, therefore, 60 years of imprisonment is awarded.

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The lover who killed his beloved in the hotel room has been jailed for 60 years

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