Modi will declare India a Hindu country after winning the election for the third time, American newspaper

Modi government deliberately made anti-Muslim laws, New York Times claims (Photo: Express Web)

The famous American newspaper New York Times exposed Modi’s plan to make India a Hindu country.

The world media has criticized the growing extremism in India by sounding the alarm that after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power, religious extremism and anti-minority trends have increased sharply in India.

The report claimed that the Modi government deliberately enacted anti-Muslim laws while there was no practice of punishment for crimes against Muslims.

The Modi government systematically cracked down on freedom of expression, suppressing critical voices with terrorism laws, resorting to emergency powers to control the media.

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The report also referred to changes in Indian Muslim laws and illegal usurpation of Kashmir.

According to American journalist Lydia Polgreen, Hindu extremists always want to end India’s secular constitutional status and give it the status of a Hindu country, while he will win the election for the third time and declare India a Hindu country.

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On the other hand, successive articles show that there is a strong anxiety in the global media about Modi’s Hindu extremist policies.

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Modi will declare India a Hindu country after winning the election for the third time, American newspaper

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