More than 200 Afghan soldiers were killed during the Taliban's two-year rule;  United Nations

Taliban leader Mullah Habtaullah announced a general amnesty; Photo: File

bill to: The United Nations has claimed that more than 200 former officers and personnel of the Afghan army have been killed since the Taliban came to power.

According to the international news organization, the report of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has said that the former army, police and intelligence forces are the most targeted by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The United Nations mission in Afghanistan said the Taliban announced a “general amnesty” for their old enemies after taking power, but more than 200 former Afghan soldiers were extrajudicially killed.

The UNAMA report claims that these figures were recorded from the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in mid-2021 until June 2023. These persons were killed after being arrested.

Responding to this report, the spokesperson of the Taliban’s foreign ministry said that Supreme Leader Mullah Habtaullah has announced amnesty for former government and military officials and so far this order has not been disobeyed.

Taliban officials stressed that if the report is true, an inquiry will be held and those responsible will be severely punished.

It should be noted that the UNAMA report claims that half of the 218 extrajudicial killings occurred before the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan.

It should be noted that the Taliban took control of the entire country except Kabul in June 2012, while Kabul was also conquered on August 15, while the last American soldier left Afghanistan on the last day of the same month.

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More than 200 Afghan soldiers were killed during the Taliban's two-year rule; United Nations

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