India tops the list of religious extremism and violence against minorities

Hate crimes against Christians also exceeded 400 in the first 6 months of this year

New Delhi: Today, the World Day of Solidarity with the Victims of Religious Violence is being celebrated around the world.

India leads in religious extremism and violence against minorities. Since independence, more than 500,000 Muslims have been martyred in 93,647 Muslim-killing incidents.

Thousands of Muslims were martyred during Bihar riots in 1989, Gujarat riots in 2002 and Delhi riots in 2020.

Hate crimes against Christians also exceeded 400 in the first 6 months of this year. In Gujarat in 1998, Orissa in 2008 and the recent Manipur riots, thousands were killed by Christian extremists.

According to the Open Doors Organization, India has fallen from 28th place in 2014 to 10th place in 2022 in violence against Christians.

NBC News says that crimes against Dalits increased by 66% after Modi came to power. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, more than 250,000 hate crimes were committed against lower caste Hindus in the last 5 years.

During riots in Karnataka in 2000 and Tamil Nadu in 2012, thousands of Dalit Hindus were killed by upper caste Hindus.

Thousands of Sikhs were killed during the 1984 Jammu, 1969 Gujarat and 2000 Chittisinghpura riots.

The National Crime Records Bureau says that on an average, a violent crime is committed against Muslims every five minutes, Dalits every 10 minutes and Christians every 12 minutes.

According to leading media organizations Al Jazeera and TRT, the Modi government is targeting Muslims at the state level through laws related to citizenship, gau rickshaw, bulldozer policy and hijab ban. BJP is deliberately targeting Christians with conversion law and Sikhs with anti-farmer policies.

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India tops the list of religious extremism and violence against minorities

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