Bright example: Pakistanis quietly donated billions of rupees to earthquake victims

Pakistani deposited 30 million dollars in Turkish Embassy, ​​Photo: File

Ankara: More than 20,000 people have died in the earthquake that occurred in Turkey on February 6 and the process of finding bodies is still going on. A new example of aid has been set.

According to TRT News, a Pakistani man came to the Turkish Embassy in the United States and quietly donated 30 million dollars, which is 8 billion and 50 million Pakistani dollars, for the relief of the earthquake victims.

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The Pakistani man did not even reveal his identity to the embassy staff. He wanted his aid to reach the victims in such a way that if he gives one hand, the other will not even know about it.

The spirit of compassion of the Pakistani citizen, who is free from the greed of name and fame, is being appreciated at the global level and the high officials of Turkey also thanked the silent helper.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also praised the Pakistani citizen’s spirit of service in his tweet.

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Bright example: Pakistanis quietly donated billions of rupees to earthquake victims

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