Espresso coffee may prevent Alzheimer's disease, experts

Washington: New research has found that a cup of espresso coffee not only gives you an instant sense of energy, but can also prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

According to media reports, laboratory tests recently found evidence of espresso coffee inhibiting the accumulation of a type of protein called ‘Tau protein’. Accumulation of tau protein occurs early in Alzheimer’s disease.

A study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry of the American Chemical Society has shown that coffee has beneficial effects against other mental disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Furthermore, tau proteins help keep brain structures stable, but when certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s develop, tau proteins clump together into fibrils. Some researchers hypothesize that preventing it may reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. In the current study, Italian researchers combined the distilled extract of whole espresso with other compounds such as caffeine, genistein and theobromine for a test-tube experiment, and then they added small amounts of tau protein to it and incubated it for 40 hours. The effectiveness of the espresso extract was surprising to the researchers.

The researchers found that this mixture, made from coffee and other ingredients, can remove the protein that accumulates in the fibrils, and the mixture is not harmful to cells.

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Espresso coffee may prevent Alzheimer's disease, experts

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