Human nails... indicators of diseases

Our nails may seem like trivial things, but in fact, they are a wonderful wonder of nature and a reward for man.

If we consider the structure, shape and color of the nails, we get a lot of interesting and surprising information. Microscopic examination reveals that our nails are made up of countless tiny silky hairs. They bond together so much that they form a solid surface. These fibrous hairs are made of a protein substance called ‘keratin’. Human skin, hair, etc. are formed from this substance.

Human nails are similar to the nails of birds and animals. However, human nails are more transparent, soft and beautiful. Animals – birds and beasts use them for their defense and hunting – on the contrary, humans use their intellectual weapons for defense. The human view of the usefulness of nails is different. If our fingers are without nails, then their ends which are very sensitive, are prone to accidents day by day. That is, if there are no nails, not only will our fingers look ugly, but they will also not be able to work properly.

In fact, the tips of our fingers are a collection of innumerable veins and fibers that have special connections with the rest of the body. In this part of the fingers, nature has hidden a delicate thing like the power of touch. Therefore, to protect it, nails were placed on the outer ends of the fingers, which are actually like windows peeking into our body. From their study we can get a lot of information about human instincts and traits. For example, by looking at the color of the nails, we know the flow of blood in our body and get information about our health and mood.

The color of the nails before us is not theirs but the condition of our body. This color can tell us about our health. A healthy person’s nails are transparent, shiny and red in color. If the skin of the hands is good, but the nails start to look a little ugly, then this indicates that there is something wrong in the body. Following are the nail problems, which indicate different diseases.

Pale Nails

If the nails turn yellow, then this condition is called leukonychia in medical terms. This condition may indicate a number of physical disorders such as mental or physical trauma, anemia, malnutrition, heart or kidney disease, or exposure to poison.

White nails

If the nails are mostly white, but have dark circles on the upper surface, this condition is usually caused by liver damage. It seems to be a sign that the liver is not working properly.

Yellow nails

One of the most common causes of yellow nails is a fungal infection. As the infection spreads, the nail may become brittle after being full. In rare cases, yellow nails indicate a more serious condition such as severe thyroid disease, lung disease, diabetes or psoriasis.

Blue nails

If the nails turn blue, it may mean that the body is not getting the oxygen it needs. They also indicate a lung problem such as emphysema. In this disease, the lungs gradually become ineffective. Some heart problems are also linked to blue nails.

Rippled Nails

If raised lines are formed on the surface of the nails, it can be an early sign of psoriasis or inflammatory arthritis. Deterioration of nails is common due to both these diseases. In such a condition, the skin appears reddish-brown.

Cracked nails

Nails become dry when thyroid disease occurs. They often crack or tear when full. A fungal infection is more likely to lead to breakouts than clinging. Rough nails also indicate that something is wrong with our nervous system.

Swelling of the nail skin

The skin around the nails becomes swollen due to a disease called chronic paronychia. Due to this disease, the skin around the edges of the nails appears inflamed and red.

Black lines

Sometimes black lines appear on the nails. This condition is called melanonychia in medical terms. It is caused by a birth defect in the pigment melanin. A number of possible causes can cause a breakdown in melanin, including skin cancer, infection, or injury.

Nail biting

Many children have the habit of biting their nails with large and heavy teeth. Experts consider it a harmless habit, but they also say that behind the habit can be a mental or physical trauma. So, if you want to get rid of the habit of biting your nails with your teeth, consult a doctor.

Protect your nails

Nails should be perfectly clean and transparent. Their color is pinkish red and shiny. The fibers of clean nails are also smooth. The fibers of brittle and brittle nails do not have much cross-linking. Nails also require protective measures. If we are careful to ‘keep our diet correct’ drink plenty of water’ especially avoid burnt meat’ use vegetables and salads’ especially eat raw vegetables’ useful fruits and foods such as olive oil, honey, figs and If we use ginger, our nails can return to their original condition.

Many nails are wide at first. They are pink in color and have a fine texture. The owner of such nails is the owner of an open heart and mind, honest and realistic. These wide nails show the good personality of its owner. By looking at the nails we can get some information about our past and maybe even the future.

A nail takes about six months to grow and mature. If unfortunately those nails get wrinkled, etc., can you guess when they became weak? If the wrinkles cover a quarter of the nail, the weakness started about a month and a half or two months ago. Three to three and a half for one-third’ and if the nail is completely covered, this period can be six to eight months.

It has been observed that the health of a person with narrow type of nails is generally not enviable. These types of people live on their psychic power. Narrow type of nail is mostly white, ‘yellow’, bluish, light pink, but not red. Bluishness can be seen under the nail, which is a sign of poor health. For good health, our toes must have clean, transparent, red nails.

The owner of medium short nails is very fond of discussion. But if the nail is very small and the flesh comes over it, its owner does not argue and is satisfied just by imagining himself right. This small nail is about a quarter of an inch wide. In its presence, the fingers look like sticks. The owner of this nail is in good health, has a present mind, is very opinionated and argumentative. It requires more discussion than food and drink. It will often try to win arguments against you even on topics that seem obvious. It is better not to argue with such people. People with such nails often have knotted fingers and a large and hard thumb.

Another short nail is square or square in front. Such nails are usually found on long fingers or large hands and indicate a weak heart. We cannot forget a type of nails once we see them. This bulbous nail is found at the ends of the toes. From the bottom, these fingers are like normal fingers, but at the tips, they become thick and rounded at once. They also have curved nails. Usually such nails are blue. It is a sign of tuberculosis that the blood flow is now blocked and the blood has thickened. The lungs, whose function is to remove carbon dioxide gas from the blood and fill it with oxygen, gradually stop working. Toxic material starts flowing in the blood and the patient dies sooner or later.

This life and our body have been given to us by nature as a trust, which it is our duty to protect with heart and soul. In this regard, we should exercise regularly, bathe daily to keep ourselves clean, drink plenty of water, eat with hunger and chew food thoroughly. Take a break sometimes if you can. Do not include burnt meat and too much poultry in your diet. Consume more vegetables.

Emphasize the cleanliness of your body apart from your heart and mind. And it is important that we practice walking regularly every day. This will develop the entire body. You should be happy and live a contented life. Don’t be greedy. Establish the prayer which Allah has enjoined. Give Zakat and respect the rights of others. If we help each other, there is no doubt that Allah will grant us a good life.

Interesting facts about nails

An adult’s nails grow about 3 mm per month.
Nails grow faster in men than in women.
Fingernails grow faster in summer than in winter.
An average nail is 7.5 cm long.
Human nails are made of the same material that makes animal claws.
These nails contain dead cells.
Fingernails act as a window to our inner health. Conditions like anemia, psoriasis and diabetes can be known by looking at the nails.
* The nails of our dominant (right or left) hand grow faster than the nails of the non-dominant hand.
* The upper part of our nails is called lunula. By looking at its condition, we can know whether we are getting all the nutrients from food or not.
* Nails consist of 25% water.
Nails are made up of many minerals including calcium and iron.
Our nails can tell a lot about our age. As we get older, our nails become thinner and more brittle.
Children’s nails grow faster than adults.
Nails grow faster on the index finger than on any other finger.
* If your fingernails are abnormally shaped or discolored, this is a sign of an underlying health problem.

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