Be careful with these foods if you want to avoid cancer, experts say

Georgia: The American Cancer Society reports that the number of colon cancer patients under the age of 55 has doubled since a decade ago.

According to media reports, the Institute Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is going to declare the chemical artificial sweetener Aspartame as a cause of cancer, but there are some other foods that experts have warned that if consumed in large quantities, they can cause cancer. Can cause cancer if consumed.


High consumption of red meat is known to increase the risk of cancer. One reason for this is a molecule called ‘haem’, which is present in red meat. This molecule can cause cancer by causing cellular changes in the colon.

Sugar-rich cold drinks

Scientists at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health found that women who drank sugary drinks more than two times a day had a more than doubled risk of colon cancer. Philip Calder, professor of nutritional immunology at the University of Southampton, explained that this could be because people who drink a lot of sugary drinks are more likely to be obese, which is a major risk factor for cancer. gives.

Cakes, chocolates and sweets

These products are full of sugar. Although no scientific experiment has yet proven a direct link between sugar consumption and cancer, nutritionists say that people who consume a lot of sugar usually have an unbalanced diet, meaning the body lacks fiber. The amount of calcium is reduced and bowel movements are reduced. Thus, less bowel movement provides more time for cancer to flourish. This causes cancerous substances to come into contact with cells in the colon that can lead to cancer.


The problem is not peanuts, but aflatoxin. These toxins are produced by certain fungi that are found on peanut and fruit plants. Aflatoxin is associated with an increased risk of cancer.

white bread

Nutritionists have also been warning the public about processed grains, such as white bread. Recent studies have linked high intakes of white flour to an increased risk of colon and stomach cancer. If your routine is to eat white flour, it means you are missing out on the actual nutrition of whole grains, which are high in fiber.

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Be careful with these foods if you want to avoid cancer, experts say

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