Water-only diets can help with weight loss

Chicago: one Research has shown that fasting, in which participants drink only water for a period of time, can help with weight loss. However, no explanation was given for the lateness of the research results.

According to a study from the University of Illinois at Chicago, the metabolic benefits of fasting, such as lower blood pressure and cholesterol, seem to wear off soon after starvation.

According to Krista Varady, professor of kinesiology and nutrition and lead author of the study, people who fasted or ate fewer calories each day had no significant negative effects.

He said he concluded that the process could be tried by people, but that it felt like a lot of effort and that all potential positive effects would be lost.

However, he stressed that no one should fast for more than five days without medical supervision.

Krista Varady, an expert on temporal lobes, said she wanted to study the lobes more because she was suddenly approached about the topic last fall. Therefore, to comment on it, it is necessary to conduct regular research on it.

In the study, the researchers reviewed eight studies on diets or Bachinger diets (medically supervised diets in Europe in which people consume very small amounts of juice and soup each day). The team of researchers looked at the results from these papers and tried to find out what the participants reported for weight loss and other metabolic issues.

One of these papers found that people who fasted for five days regained the weight they lost within three months. Two other studies found that a small amount of weight lost was regained, but these studies urged participants to limit caloric intake after fasting.

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Water-only diets can help with weight loss

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