January is the best month for dieting

Oxford: A study has found that the best month of the year for dieting is January.

An Oxford University study found that dieters who started losing weight early in the year lost more weight.

According to research, people who started dieting in January lost an average of 2.54 kg, while those who started dieting in summer lost an average of 1.61 kg.

Experts believe that the secret to New Year’s diet success may be the thought of a fresh start.

On the other hand, he admitted that summer can make it difficult to stick to healthy habits.

Researchers working under the guidance of nutritionist Dr. Dimitris Kotokidis found that losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions.

In the study, researchers examined 85,514 British citizens with an average age of 65. These individuals started the NHS diabetes prevention program between January 2017 and December 2018.

The study participants had high blood sugar levels but were not diagnosed with diabetes.

These individuals participated in face-to-face or online sessions where they were encouraged to eat healthy, exercise and lose weight.

The study, published in the journal Obesity, found that participants lost an average of 2 kg over a six-month period, which was 2.3 percent of their total body weight. People who started dieting in January lost 12 to 30 percent more weight than those who started dieting later in the year.

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January is the best month for dieting

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