A South Korean man tries to open a plane door during a flight

Photo courtesy of Instagram

The South Korean youth tried to endanger the lives of other passengers and crew on board when he felt unwell.

According to foreign media, a 19-year-old Korean man tried to open the plane door during the flight after complaining of chest pressure, but was prevented from doing so.

According to reports, the passenger plane was on its way to Seoul from the Philippines.

According to American media, the 19-year-old man began to behave strangely about an hour into the flight, after which the authorities removed the man from the front row of the plane and made him sit near the exit door so that the staff could see him. can monitor

According to foreign media, immediately after changing the seat, the passenger moved towards the emergency door and tried to open it.

In this regard, the airline management said in a statement that the passenger was immediately grabbed by the crew and restrained for the rest of the flight.

Officials say that no passengers or any of the ship’s equipment was harmed during the entire incident.

According to foreign media, the passenger was handed over to the police after landing at Seoul Airport, where he tested positive for drugs.

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A South Korean man tries to open a plane door during a flight

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