Women can strengthen their bones with vitamin D and calcium

Adequate intake of vitamin D and calcium can reduce joint pain, especially in women. Photo: File

London: Especially women are more prone to arthritis (osteoporosis). But if they make vitamin D and calcium an essential part of their diet from an early age, they can avoid bone weakness, fragility and fractures.

The intense pain and irritation of joint pain has its place, but experts suggest that men must take precautions from a young age to avoid it. It is important that they consume dairy products (milk and curd), beans, dark green leafy vegetables, oily fish and almonds in their diet.

Apart from this, the risk of osteoporosis can be avoided by avoiding smoking and regular exercise. Bones are more affected after menopause especially in middle-aged women and can lead to frequent fractures.

Experts insist that 1000 to 1300 mg of calcium should be consumed daily in this condition. Apart from this, foods rich in vitamin D should be given special importance and should be made a part of daily life.

Interestingly, in a country like Pakistan, women do not go to the sun and it is important for them to spend some time in the sun between 10 am and 11 am so that the process of vitamin D production in their body can be accelerated by the sun. .

Vitamin D has been shown to have many benefits, one of which is that it protects women from depression and menopause. That is why this vitamin can give double benefits to women.

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Women can strengthen their bones with vitamin D and calcium

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