Smoking trend is increasing among young people in Pakistan, experts

The number of smokers in Pakistan is more than 17 million. Photo: File

Karachi: In order to control the ever-increasing tobacco addiction in Pakistan, it is necessary to take advantage of the scientific developments in alternative and safer nicotine products.

This was said by Arshad Ali Syed, Project Director of Alternative Research Initiative (ARI) and Mir Zulfikar Ali, Executive Director of its member organization Workers Education and Research Organization (VERO) in their joint message on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day. He said that ‘in order to make Pakistan a tobacco-free country as soon as possible, the government should take all partners into confidence to achieve a tobacco-free Pakistan and formulate a policy in consultation with all that will completely eliminate smoking. can be eliminated’.

The theme of this year’s World No Tobacco Day is ‘We need food, not tobacco’. He said that this year, the 20th anniversary of the World Health Organization Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) was also celebrated on May 21. He said that it is the right time to review ‘how far we have succeeded in controlling smoking’ and if we talk about Pakistan, the unfortunate thing is that we are still close to ending it. Have not arrived.

Currently, there are more than two million and ninety lakh smokers in Pakistan who are fifteen (15) years old or more. One million and seven million of them are smokers. An average smoker smokes thirteen (13) cigarettes a day. Worryingly, enforcement of anti-smoking laws in the country is extremely weak. This is the reason why about thirty (30) percent of smokers buy open cigarettes even though the sale of open cigarettes is legally prohibited.

He said that in the 21st century, various developed countries are also using science to end smoking. With the help of scientific research, developed countries have set their goals of complete cessation of smoking in the next two decades. He said, “Tobacco Harm Reduction is an important part of the smoking cessation strategy in these countries.”

Sweden is the first country in the world that is very close to becoming tobacco-free as the smoking rate is set to drop below five (5) percent. It should be noted that in any country, when the smoking rate is less than five percent, it is considered to be a tobacco-free country. Sweden will be able to become a tobacco-free country seventeen (17) years ahead of the target set for tobacco elimination (the European Union has set a target of 2040). In Sweden, the smoking rate has decreased from fifteen (15) percent to 5.6 percent during the last fifteen (15) years. In this effort to end smoking, Sweden’s strategy helped smokers switch to “less harmful” alternative products, including snus, nicotine pouches and vapes.

He called on the government to consult with all partners working to end smoking in Pakistan and explore safer alternatives to tobacco products and legislate for these products instead of banning them. Moving forward, he said that the most necessary participation in this consultation to stop smoking should be “tobacco noush” which has not happened till date.

Mirzulfiqar Ali said that ‘Smokers in Pakistan need to have adequate awareness and access to safe nicotine delivery products so that they can quit smoking or switch to safer products’.

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Smoking trend is increasing among young people in Pakistan, experts

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