10 habits harmful to health

One of the major causes of disease and physical ailments is the habits of our daily life, which are harmful to health.

By giving up these unhealthy habits, you can return to a happier and healthier life.

(1) Eating even when not hungry

Even if you are not hungry, it is bad for you to keep eating something or the other from time to time. Due to this habit, you overeat and gain many kilos. Also, by overeating, you open an invitation to diabetes and heart disease.

If you eat a lot of fried foods, it means that you are making unhealthy ingredients part of your body. If you become aware of the signs of hunger, you can control your food intake and maintain your physical strength. You will be at a healthy weight and you will be able to avoid unnecessary fats, unhealthy sweeteners, carbohydrates and foods with excessive amounts of sodium.

Eat when you are hungry or indulge in eating under any mental stress. Avoid eating with your hands without filling your stomach completely. Do not keep unhealthy items in the house but only save good food like fruits, vegetables, grains etc. Eat low fat food. Be sure to keep a glass of water on the dining table, drinking water before eating is good for health.

(2) Watching TV too long

Sitting in front of the TV for a long time is likely to cause ‘diabetes type two’ as well as weight gain. Instead of watching TV in your free time, it is better to take up a positive hobby that involves more physical activity. Constantly sitting on the sofa in front of the TV also affects the memory.

So minimize the time you watch TV and do some exercise to burn more calories and lose extra fat. In this way your body will become balanced. There will be more time to sleep and physical strength will increase. In this way, your health will be happy and your mental state will be better, you will be engaged in other social activities wholeheartedly.

Do not watch more than two hours of TV a day, exercise at least thirty minutes. It will be great if you keep moving while watching TV. For example, women should sweep the room together or run the washing machine. They can do this during the break of commercials.

Likewise, men should find an activity for themselves. Do not engage in eating while sitting in front of the TV. Especially drinking chips and soda etc. is very harmful.

(3) Unnecessary increase in costs

Yes! Financial distress causes increased blood flow, mental distress, headache, stomach upset and body aches. Due to anxiety, a person starts eating and drinking excessively and starts gaining or losing weight. It takes time to get your financial situation back on track and it takes a toll on your lifestyle. On the contrary, if you learn to control your wasteful spending, it will have a positive effect on your health.

Teach yourself to account for personal expenses and control unnecessary expenses. Avoid mental problems by managing credit cards, home installments, car installments, and other expenses.

Keep track of your expenses so you know when to pay your bills each month. Pay your bills through automatic banking so you don’t have to pay late bill payment penalties. Save from monthly salary to come in handy during bad times.

(4) Abundant consumption of fast foods

Eating a large cheeseburger and drinking a soda with it has a very bad effect on health. Such a diet increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, extreme obesity and cholesterol. Fat accumulates in the body’s arteries and blood flow begins to decrease. Giving up fast foods, fatty and greasy foods is not an easy task as they are cheap, tasty and readily available.

You can reduce your intake weekly, start using water instead of soda, and start having a vegetable salad instead of chips. Whenever you go to a fast food outlet, buy the least amount possible.

Do not eat until you feel hungry. And don’t make fast food your weakness. Prepare food at home, it will be cheap, clean and great food. If cooking at home is a chore, buy ready-made healthy foods and avoid fast food.

(5) Long exposure of the skin to the sun

Staying in the sun for too long in summer is harmful. If you continue to burn your skin from the sun’s rays at the beach, the elastic cells in your skin will become dysfunctional and the beauty of the skin will be lost. The skin will become wrinkled, sensitive and constantly irritated. It is a painful disease. Prolonged exposure to the sun increases the risk of skin cancer.

The best solution is to take some protective measures, for example: wear a hat when going out in the sun, wear sunglasses with black or green lenses to protect against sunlight. Legs and arms are covered. Get an annual skin exam. Keep an eye on the changes in your body. Get treatment for symptoms affecting the skin right away.

(6) Suffering from persistent mental distress

Being unhappy and suspicious all the time causes the circulatory system in the body to deteriorate and the amount of sugar in the blood becomes unbalanced. The digestive system is badly affected.

In modern times, people are constantly sick due to various psychological problems. Find happiness in life and stop worrying. Due to peace of mind, physical health is also good. Whenever you start feeling stressed, keep yourself mentally cool by focusing on hard work.

Yoga, light exercise and deep breathing keep one away from psychological problems. Try to stay optimistic and enjoy life all the time. Less stress will lead to better health, better health will give you more strength and you will be mentally calm.

(7) Eating breakfast-like food without feeling hungry

The popular saying “Never skip breakfast” is the opposite of reality. Don’t eat breakfast until you feel hungry. Eat when you feel hungry and starve when you are not hungry. Voluntary fasting for a short period of time every day is the most effective practice. It balances blood sugar and prevents obesity. Blood glucose levels are normal and sleep is good.

(8) Alcoholism

Experts say that whether you drink less or more alcohol, it has bad effects on your body, lifestyle and mental state, so if you are a heavy drinker, consult your doctor. Improve yourself by joining an improvement group. Get liver, bone, and cancer tests to take steps to prevent malignancies.

(9) Smoking

30% of deaths from heart disease are caused by smoking. 30% of cancer deaths are caused by smoking. 80 to 90 percent of lung cancer is caused by smoking. Smoking causes mouth and throat cancer. These bad habits lead a person to stroke, high blood pressure, heart attack. The most dangerous thing is that it causes various respiratory diseases.

What are the immediate benefits of quitting smoking?

Within a month, you will notice that your lungs are working better and your cough has decreased. Your sense of taste and smell will improve. Prepare yourself mentally before quitting smoking.

Quit by planning thoroughly and quit smoking in a calm state rather than trying to quit under any stress. If still unsuccessful, consult a doctor who will prescribe a smoking cessation medication. Participate in addiction recovery activities with the help of friends and family.

(10) Excessive use of painkillers

Relying on pain killers for a long period of time leads to permanent habituation and as an addiction these drugs become a part of our life. Instead of healing, these drugs cause more harm. Their excessive consumption increases blood circulation and increases the risk of heart attack. Excessive amounts of sleeping pills affect memory.

A person becomes a victim of mental disorder. When drugs relax you, you become unconsciously addicted to them.

When you become addicted to a painkiller, consult your doctor and take less effective painkillers. If the dosage of these drugs is reduced, then the state of addiction will end. If you become overly dependent on these medications, seek medical help immediately. Never hesitate to ask family, friends and doctors for help.

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10 habits harmful to health

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