8 species of turtles are found in Sindh province, Wildlife Department

A freshwater turtle found in Sindh. Photo: The Express Tribune

Web Desk: Sindh province has 8 different species of turtles including two species of sea turtles.

23rd May is celebrated as World Turtle Conservation Day across the world, on the occasion of which, the Sindh Wildlife Conservation Department has released the statistical data regarding the green sea turtles of this year. According to the wildlife department, there are eight species of freshwater turtles in Sindh province, including 4 soft-shelled and 4 hard-shelled turtles.

Recorded species of sea turtles include green turtles, olive ridleys and olive ridleys that regularly visit our shores. While the arrival of leatherback wax-bill turtles has also been recorded.

Several hundred freshwater turtles have been rescued from the death penalty in the Gudu, Sukhrokotri barrage system during the annual shutdown due to the cleaning of the Indus River barrages in December and January.

According to Sindh Wildlife, every year May 23 is celebrated as World Turtle Day to highlight the importance of these wonderful servants of nature. The presence of turtles is a sign of healthy wetlands, rivers and sea water.

They are an important member of nature’s food chain and repair aquatic ecosystems through response.The Department of Wildlife’s Marine Turtle Conservation Center at Hawke’s Bay has helped millions of hatchlings safely navigate their way to sea since the 1970s. has been done.

According to the data for the year 2023-24, 14970 turtle hatchlings were safely sent on sea voyages this year.

Threats to all species of turtles include habitat destruction, pollution, illegal fishing and illegal trafficking, among other factors. Among the recent initiatives of the Sindh government, the most important is the implementation of the Sindh Turtle Conservation Laws, according to which all species are protected. are given

It should be noted that Pakistan is one of the countries in the world, where river and sea turtles were suffering from loss due to habitat destruction, the most important of the recent initiatives of the government of Sindh is the implementation of the Sindh Turtle Conservation Rules 2022. Accordingly, all species of turtles have been declared protected, and heavy fines and imprisonment have been set for their trafficking and poaching.

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8 species of turtles are found in Sindh province, Wildlife Department

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