Watermelon may be useful in preventing cancer, nutritionist

Karachi: Nutritionist Afira Anis said That isWatermelon has the ability to reduce the risk of deadly diseases like cancer, Watermelon contains more than 90% of water, due to which eating this fruit can remove the complaint of saltiness and dehydration in the body. .

Speaking to Express News, nutritionist Afira Anis said that the more ripe the watermelon is, the healthier it is. This fruit contains an antioxidant called lycopene, which is hot and humid at present. Protects from weather and sun’s scorching rays.

He said that it contains more than 90% water, due to which the lack of water and salts in the human body can be met. It also increases beauty, it contains vitamin A, vitamin B6 and Vitamin C is beneficial for skin and hair.

Afira Anais said that the amount of sodium and fats in watermelon is zero, due to which patients suffering from high blood pressure (blood pressure) and heart attack (heart attack) can eat this fruit without any harm to them. No. While it is also useful in reducing joint pain and inflammation and improving vision. People who exercise regularly, energizes their body and reduces the feeling of fatigue. Despite this, the sugar level in this fruit is low, due to which the blood sugar does not increase, while watermelon has the ability to build immunity against all types of cancer.

He said that it is the best treatment for the side effects of urinary infection, because we recommend more water to such patients and when the patient of urine infection consumes such water, which has many nutrients, it is better. The condition improves quickly, the high amount of citrulline in it improves the blood circulation system.

He said that there is no harm in eating watermelon seeds, most people separate its seeds, which is wrong, watermelon seeds provide protection from cholera and other diseases. There is no cure, but eating watermelon seeds can help reduce the symptoms. Watermelon contains nitric oxide, which opens up blood vessels, which restores blood flow in a balanced way and keeps blood pressure under control. Potassium and magnesium are useful for joint pain and inflammation.

He further said that the best time to eat watermelon is mid-morning (8 to 10 o’clock), when breakfast has been digested, otherwise you should eat watermelon shortly before lunch. Watermelon should never be eaten immediately after a meal because If you have eaten a food that has been shown to cause adverse effects, the reaction is doubled after eating tazbuz, which contains water, and doctors advise against drinking water after eating. Eating water or watermelon immediately after eating increases the risk of diarrhea. While eating watermelon at night and evening can prove to be harmful to health.

He said that watermelon is not a fruit to eat in fruit chat, special care should be taken that watermelon should not be eaten with any other fruit. Its juice can be made and drunk, which contains mint leaves, lemon. And the seeds of Balinga can also be added. Its syrup can be mixed with water to make a drink, while ice cream can be made from it for children. Most people drink watermelon mixed with milk, but it is necessary for That this milk should not be kept for a long time and drunk.

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Watermelon may be useful in preventing cancer, nutritionist

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