Saudi Arabia introduced e-Visa for 7 countries

Saudi Arabia introduced e-visa by eliminating visa stickers for 7 countries; Photo: File

Riyadh: Saudi Arabia abolished the visa sticker and introduced e-visa service in 7 countries.

According to the Saudi media, in a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is said that the countries receiving the facility of e-visa service include the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt, Bangladesh, India, the Philippines and Indonesia.

The statement said that traditional visa stickers have been abolished for these countries and the use of e-visa with QRcode has been introduced with the aim of automating and simplifying the acquisition of visas.

Through this procedure, citizens of all seven countries will be able to get work, visit, residence and tourist visas easily. This move has been taken after discussions for issuing common visas among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states.

It should be noted that Saudi Arabia has recently made significant changes in visa procedures and relaxed rules to promote tourism and attract foreigners.

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Saudi Arabia introduced e-Visa for 7 countries

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