PDM government failed, country is sinking because of two families, Imran Khan

Lahore: (Dunya News) Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf and former Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that the PDM government has failed, the country is sinking because of two families, no one is ready to give them money, now. Saudi Arabia also refused.

Addressing the lawyers through video link at the Rule of Law Conference, Imran Khan said that the IMF will give loans when their conditions are accepted, the situation in Pakistan like Sri Lanka is not too long, the only way to improve the situation. There are fair and transparent elections.

Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaf said that there has never been such a big crisis in the history of the country, that Pakistan is stuck in a quagmire. Lawyers can take Pakistan out of this quagmire. Because of this, the government was overthrown.

Imran Khan said that this government has failed, Saudi Arabia has also said that they will not give money now, they have traveled around the world in 8 months, Bilawal Zardari is never found in Pakistan. No one is giving money, now even Saudi Arabia has refused.

He said that due to the 30-year rule of the two families, India and Bangladesh went ahead, the wealth of the two families increased but Pakistan is sinking. Couldn’t even do it today, no money to open LCs.

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Imran Khan said that the default risk of loans has reached a dangerous level, accepting the IMF conditions will further increase the prices of electricity, gas, diesel, unemployment is increasing in the country and factories are closing down. The only way out of the problems is the rule of law, there should be one law for the weak and the strong in the country.

Chairman PTI said that Allah’s command is to learn from the life of our Prophet, the rule of law was first established in the state of Madinah, our beloved Prophet led the world, justice comes first, then prosperity comes. Yes, there were cases worth billions of rupees against famous dacoits, they were put in power under a conspiracy, these famous dacoits have forgiven all their cases.

He said that tell me one country in the world which has returned the country and given it NRO. In our government, industries and agriculture were growing. During our time, the economy was growing at 6%. How can those who destroy today fix the economy? The rule of law is a struggle in Pakistan, the powerful must be brought under the law, prosperity will not come until people have confidence in the justice system.

Also read: Imran Khan: Imran Khan

Imran Khan said that there was a record export during our time, Overseas Pakistanis can pull the country out of this quagmire, the export did not increase in the last 5 years of Muslim League, occupation groups take over the plots of Overseas Pakistanis. How to make an investment? Has anyone in America, Europe, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Dubai heard that there is an Occupy group?

He said that all the thieves in Pakistan have come up and sat down, they have passed such a law in the assembly which has no precedent, such an amendment has been made, every single robber has been saved, first Musharraf and now Bajwa, NRO 2 Diya, we all have to fight together for the rule of law, this is Jihad, fighting injustice and injustice is Jihad. There will be behavior.

Imran Khan said that Azam Swati was tortured for tweeting a truth, Azam Swati was wronged, was he such a big pharaoh that no one can tweet, Shahbazgul was also tortured, lawyers community. was responsible for taking a stand on this issue first, the video of Shehbaz Sharif is playing on Indian channels saying that he has learned the lesson and should be friends with India.

Also read: The one who will be ethnic and real, will stand with Imran Khan, Sheikh Rasheed

Chairman PTI said that Narendra Modi killed Kashmiris, doesn’t Shahbaz Sharif care about the sacrifices of Kashmiris, he is asking for money from the world and keeping all his money outside, I tell the lawyers this is not politics. Jihad for justice.

In his speech, he further said that I had served jail time for independent judiciary and now I have come out for independent judiciary. I had told about the plan of attack on him three months ago. Instead of listening to the elected government, the police are listening to the powerful people, who said in the court that there was a shooter, he had his own statement on a roof and there was a shooter, he changed his statement after going to the court. took

Imran Khan said that the JIT is being proved, what is being done is now fully certain that three big powerful personalities have done it, if there is to be saved, then the system of justice has to be brought in the country, of oppression. The system can work but not the disbelief, they are also selling the flood to get money.

He said that today they have lost their honor by begging for money like beggars, India is telling us to end terrorism first and then we will talk, I have not seen more humiliation than this.

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PDM government failed, country is sinking because of two families, Imran Khan

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