Just a three-minute walk can improve blood sugar levels

Sunderland: A study found that just three minutes of walking after every half hour of fasting can improve blood sugar levels.

According to scientists at the University of Sunderland in the UK, this way people with type 1 diabetes can better control their blood sugar, which in turn reduces their risk of complications such as heart attacks and strokes. Can be less.

The results of the study, conducted on 32 people, were presented at the Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2023. Participants in the study were observed for two weeks.

Dr Matthew Campbell, from the University of Sunderland, said the findings provide the first evidence that light activity to break up long periods of sitting can help limit blood sugar levels. can increase the duration of the level of

Importantly, he added, this regimen does not carry the potential risks of lowering blood glucose levels, which are usually caused by traditional activities and exercise.

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Just a three-minute walk can improve blood sugar levels

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