Causes and treatment of obesity

Pinch your waist and arms to detect excess body fat. Photo: File

Currently, many dangerous diseases are imposed on us due to carelessness and overeating, but the most dangerous of them is obesity.

Obesity itself is a dangerous and painful disease, but it is also the main source of many other dangerous diseases. For example, sugar, blood pressure, excess cholesterol, excess uric acid, heart disease, kidney disease and gout etc.

Pinch your waist and arms to detect excess body fat. If there is more than an inch of flesh in the pinch, this is a sign of excess fat and that you need to focus on keeping your weight under control. Remember that every quarter of an inch of body fat represents 10 pounds of extra fat.

From a clinical point of view, obesity is considered when the body mass index (BMI) exceeds 30. If the percentage of body fat in women is more than 30% and in men it is more than 25%, it is called obesity. Body mass index is a standard measurement tool that provides timely information on obesity. Medical experts have described several types of obesity, of which two major types are as follows:

Obesity due to increased number of cells

In this type of obesity, all the cells in the body are enlarged due to the proliferative growth of the newborn’s cells. At birth, such babies weigh less than other babies. From the early stages of physical development, the number of fat cells in the body starts to increase, which later leads to harmful effects.

Obesity due to increased cell volume

This type of obesity is caused by an increase in the volume of cells. As fat particles are added to the body cells, their size starts to increase, which later causes various diseases by causing a malfunction in the body’s metabolism.

There are many reasons for obesity, the two main reasons being psychological and physical. Various studies have shown that watching too much TV is also a major cause of obesity. As the amount of time we spend watching TV increases, so does our physical performance. Children who watch TV more often are heavier than those who don’t watch TV.

Watching TV also causes obesity in adults. One of the main reasons for this is the tendency to eat something while watching TV. Research has revealed that those who watch TV for two hours a day have a 23% chance of becoming obese and a 14% risk of developing a deadly disease like diabetes.

In some people, due to the increase in the demand for food in the state of mental stress, the symptoms of obesity also appear due to untimely and unnecessary eating. Lack of serotonin in the blood is the cause of increased appetite in mental disorders.

A lack of serotonin leads to an increase in blood sugar. Which requires a large amount of insulin to balance. Therefore, the body requires starchy foods to meet these needs. Thus, a person suffering from mental illness gets caught in the disease of untimely and unnecessary eating and starts inviting obesity.

A metabolic disorder increases the chances of obesity by 100%. Consuming too many starchy foods increases the amount of sugar in the blood. As the amount of sugar in the blood increases, the amount of insulin also needs to increase to balance the ratio of sugar in the blood.

The amount of sugar is converted into glycogen and accumulates in the liver and becomes a source of energy, while the excess of sugar takes the form of triglycerides and causes an increase in fatty tissue. These fatty particles become the enemy of human health in the form of obesity.

Along with the major causes of obesity, some sub-causes of obesity in men and women have also emerged. One of the causes of obesity in women is the excessive use of contraceptives. In order to be safe from the negative effects of contraceptives, it is important to follow natural behaviors and Islamic teachings. There are clear instructions in Surah al-Nisa regarding the interval between child births.

Swelling of the liver, impairment of liver function and enlargement of the liver are also signs of obesity. The lack of red cells in the blood causes the body to dilate. The thyroid gland plays a fundamental role in the body’s metabolism and growth. Defects in it lead to obesity and many other disorders.

The condition of swelling appears on the body, especially the hands and feet and the face, due to the malfunctioning of the kidneys. The whole body becomes prone to proliferation and takes the form of obesity. Besides, convenience and comfortable life can also be a cause of obesity.

If obesity persists despite diet control, we can reap substantial benefits by following the following techniques. A little more consumption of white cumin protects against many physical disorders. Chicken, Badi, Spleen and Bhani and sweet foods should be avoided, but it is an unhealthy practice not to have breakfast. Therefore, breakfast should be done even if you eat an apple and drink a glass of milk.

Constipated people should mix black cumin with half a spoon of curd and make it a breakfast routine. Use raw vegetables as salad, cabbage, onion, cucumber, carrot, radish in small quantity also relieves constipation. Consumption of tomatoes also has great benefits, eating tomatoes daily reduces the excess amount of cholesterol.

Among the fruits, guava, pear, peach, papaya and grapes play a wonderful role in curing constipation. Apart from meat and rice, sour and sour foods cause constipation. Always cook meat mixed with vegetables, add vegetables to rice and make vegetable pilaf.

In order to get rid of obesity, Majoon-i-Mahzil, Soof-i-Mahzil, Juarish-i-Kumuni, Hab-i-Kabad Noshadri, Qars-i-Efsintin, Atarifl-i-Zamani, Hab-i-Banfasha, Hab-Tankar, Irq-i-Mukwah, Irq-e-Ajawain and Irq-Zira etc. can be used with complete confidence. . By hiring qualified and expert doctors we can enjoy a healthy life.

A medical professional helps us stay fit by providing simple, natural and scientific principles for following dietary and other health practices. Never risk your health, time and wealth by being deceived by marketing and advertising slogans. By following your doctor’s advice completely, by the grace of God, the extra fat will begin to fall within two to three weeks.

People who appear obese due to anemia should consume foods rich in iron. Make tomatoes, spinach, apples, pomegranates and other iron rich foods a part of your diet. Make jogging, sweat-inducing exercise a regular part of your routine. Exercise is an effective, useful and free medicine that offers immense benefits.

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