Political stability is indispensable for economic improvement, the policy of self-reliance should be adopted!

Among the various challenges facing the country, one of the major challenges is the economic crisis.

Due to its worst effects, there has been the highest inflation in the country’s history, the people are protesting, the government is trying to give free flour and facilities, but despite this, people’s lives have become worse.

In view of this situation, a discussion on the topic of “current economic situation and recent wave of inflation in the month of Ramadan” was organized in the “Express Forum” in which representatives of the government, civil society and economists were invited. The conversation with him is a pleasure to read.

Rafia Haider

(Deputy Commissioner Lahore)

A major cause of the recent inflation is the floods that have destroyed agricultural produce and damaged the country. Fruits and vegetables in Sindh, South Punjab, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were affected by floods, so meeting their demand in the month of Ramadan was a big challenge.

Everyone knows that the demand for fruits, vegetables and commodities increases during Ramadan and there is a self-inflicted inflation on which action is being taken against the profiteers, fines and punishments are being given.

In this regard, the number of Price Control Magistrates in Lahore has been increased to 100 who are raiding and conducting operations in various markets and areas. The Urban Unit also reports violations, which are acted upon. I have reduced the target of the Magistrate and made it realistic which is also feasible and this has also increased their performance.

For public awareness, there is a “Price App” by the government, in which the prices of essential commodities are updated, complaints can also be made there, our helpline is also there, complaints can also be registered on it. Yes, timely action is taken on receipt of complaint and convenience of people is ensured.

Government is making people aware through advertisement in print, electronic and social media, businessmen, employers and citizens also have to show responsibility and play their positive role. The district administration, provincial governments and the federation are working together.

We ensured their access to the markets keeping in mind the demand of essential commodities before Ramadan, we were working in Karachi and got them released on time. We have made the best arrangements at the Lahore level by taking all possible steps. We have taken measures to ensure supply of essential commodities as per demand.

We held meetings with traders’ associations, settled matters. In the vegetable and fruit markets, matters are not left to the market committees, but magistrates also visit there on a daily basis, are present at the time of bidding and ensure the price control mechanism. Benazir Income Support Program, three bags of flour are being given free to the registered people under Ehsaas Program.

Their number in Lahore is 12 lakh 28 thousand, people from different regions also come to Lahore, so this number increases. Similarly, the family whose income is less than 60 thousand and is not registered in the Benazir Income Support Program will be given one bag, their number is around 1 lakh 96 thousand. Free flour is being provided at 40 points in Lahore, so far 15 lakh bags have been given to more than 6 lakh families, more work is going on.

Ghee, oil, sugar etc. are being provided at cheap prices in model markets, we are taking all possible steps to facilitate people in the month of Ramadan. We are a welfare state, we have to work for the welfare of the people.

NGOs do a lot of work, philanthropists also work under your help, if the NGOs are told the areas and work is given according to the demand there, there can be improvement, thus resources are not wasted. There will be and work will be done in the true sense. We have many problems, they are not going to be solved in a day, but direction is necessary. If we continue to work in the right direction, we can get rid of the problems.

Dr. Qais Aslam


Despite being a country rich in natural resources and having the largest youth population in the world, our economic woes are deplorable.

The success or failure of the state depends on whether the condition of the people living in it changes or not. For all those people whose standard of living has not improved in the last 7 decades, this state has failed. Looking at it, it is seen that out of 23 crore population, only a few percent of the people have improved their lives and are the elite of the country, while the rest of the people are suffering badly and are affected by the ups and downs in the country.

Talking about education, only 5% of elite children are getting good and quality education, the rest 5% are being given education for show which is substandard.

The question is, how can the dream of national development be seen leaving such a large population without education and skills? We are lucky that there are more young people. The population is high.

By taking advantage of the blessing we get in the form of youth, they should be given skill-based courses of 6 months to 1 year, given education and skills according to the needs of the Gulf and other countries and sent there, this will not only give them employment. Rather, money will also come into the country, which can stabilize the economy.

Our whole system is import based, we import oil to generate electricity, edible oil, commodities, machinery for industries and other essential goods come from outside, we have to make an export based policy. SMEs need to be strengthened, branded better, linked to art and culture, local industry promoted and economy strengthened by exports. We have not promoted trade with our neighbours. .

We think that Afghanistan does not benefit from trade, we do not do it with Iran due to the pressure of America, there is enmity with India, we built a road with China but we did not take advantage of it. It is a pity that the governments did not create institutions regarding the CPEC project, we also angered China. We import edible oil from Indonesia, the world’s 16th largest economy by product.

It is sad that our authoritarianism has mortgaged the economy and institutions, we should go ahead with the development approach, the private sector gives employment to people, it should be promoted.

At present there are 7 governments in the country, whose privileges and expenses are high, a kind of institutions exist in the federation and provinces, the system of local governments is missing which solves the problems of the people at their doorsteps, on better governance. Work has to be done. Agriculture accounts for 22 percent of our GDP, with 2.2 percent of forestry and fisheries, 3 percent of food farming, 3 percent of cash crops, 2 percent of small farming, and others. Industry accounts for 27 percent of our GDP, which includes 17 percent is large scale.

5.5% are minerals that we didn’t pay attention to. We have to promote the private sector, it is the engine of growth, we have to support SMEs. We took a loss to document the economy. People should be given incentives to work on schools, hospitals and such projects, people-friendly policies should be made and progress should be made in a positive direction.

Human creator

(Representative Civil Society)

Economic crisis has affected everyone but it is not that simple. It is important to know which sections are the most affected and for them it has become a matter of life and death, their problems like education, health, food have become serious.

According to international standards, a person earning less than $2 per day is poor. This is the segment for which the leadership and the world have to think, make policy and lift them out of poverty. The number of people living below $2 per day in Pakistan is more than 80 million which is alarming. The recent wave of inflation has affected these people badly.

Inflation has directly affected women the most, their problems have increased. Women also have to run the household affairs, when they demand money from their husbands to run their expenses, the husbands get angry on them due to low income and also subject them to physical violence. Women themselves are also worried that they know that their husband’s income is low in the period of inflation, in which it is difficult to live, but they have to demand from their husband to run the household affairs. In this way, women are also suffering from psychological pressure.

As for the affected sections of the society, working women, domestic workers, home-based workers, lady health workers, eunuchs, physically challenged persons, children, old people, all are suffering badly, children and old people are undernourished. They are suffering from shortage, their life needs including medicines, food are not being met due to which the problems are increasing.

Children and old people are dependent on other family members, where there are 6 to 10 people in the family, people’s lives are severely affected. Is. Working women get 100 to 200 rupees per day, domestic workers get 3 to 4 thousand rupees per month, this is very low income.

One of the main reasons for people’s problems is not having a sustainable model of social safety net, we have to pay attention to it, we have to create a model that improves the quality of life of everyone with the involvement of everyone. It is regrettable that despite being an agricultural country, the prices of vegetables, fruits, grains, milk, ghee and other essential items have increased by 100 to 150 percent. The poor man used to eat bread with tea, now even tea is out of his reach.

Due to inflation, where the problems of women and other classes have become serious, the problems of children have also increased.

The work that has been done over the years to end child labor is going to waste. Due to worst inflation and economic situation, parents are forced to send their children to work and now child labor is increasing again which proves that our system has failed miserably.

It needs to be improved. In projects like Benazir Income Support Program, Ehsaas Program, many deserving people are not included, they have to be brought under this scope by removing the defects of the system.

It is sad that people’s lives are being lost in the pursuit of flour, people go to get flour and bring dead bodies and broken bones, people’s self-esteem is being hurt, but no one cares. Another thing to mention is that there is scope for widows and married women in the Benazir Income Support Program and Ehsaas Program but not for single women, that is, a woman who is unmarried does not get this facility. Work has to be done. Social Protection Authority exists in Punjab but still many social groups are neglected, they have to be included in the system.

Our tax system is creating problems for people, every poor, poor, deserving person is also paying tax in the form of ‘GST’, the question is, what is the state giving them? The elites are still getting privileges while only the poor are, the government will have to end the privileges of the elites and provide facilities to the poor.

Abdul Khaliq


Pakistan has become one of the countries with the worst inflation in the world. CPI index has the highest inflation in the country’s history, such inflation only happens during wars, we are seeing this situation in normal conditions.

Experts are saying that the country has defaulted, all that is left is to declare, the world is also looking at us in the same context. There are 54 countries in the worst economic stress and debt in the world, we are counted among them and currently we stand in line with Sri Lanka, that is why our problems are getting worse with each passing day. The IMF is playing with us, it doesn’t seem to be getting the package, it will keep putting conditions after conditions, increasing pressure on us but nothing. Saudi Arabia has also changed its policy, other friendly countries are not cooperating with us.

There is only one China left with a little hope otherwise no one in the world is willing to help us at this time. A major cause of our economic problems is wrong policies. We made import based policies, we did not focus on exports.

Improper taxes were also imposed on imports, people were not provided facilities, production costs increased, the global inflationary wave also played an important role in creating inflation here, due to political instability and internal chaos, we are facing the worst problems. Victimized. Thus, there are various factors due to which we are faced with this situation.

We must understand that economic stability is not possible without political stability, so everyone has to work for political stability, reduce expenses, eliminate elite privileges, promote exports, discourage imports, do progressive taxation. There will be and the country has to move forward in a positive direction.

Parliament’s approval should be made mandatory for obtaining loans, otherwise we will continue to sink into more debt and the country will continue to face more difficulties. We have to learn from Germany’s experience and promote a policy of self-reliance, if we do this, the country will stand on its own feet. Inflation in the month of Ramadan has become normal for us.

The prices of essential commodities have increased sharply, we have to change our attitudes as a nation. One of the major causes of our problems is environmental change and related factors. Last year, it was estimated that numerous challenges including drought, inflation, water problem would gain strength in the country, but it did not work. Floods caused by climate change have affected us badly. Environmental challenges are still not over, we have to work seriously in this regard.

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